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Matt Bacak – 47 Ways To Increase Your Open Rates and Clicks – Value $10.49

Are you struggling to get your subscribers to respond to your emails? Does it feel like “pulling teeth” to get them to take action?
Did the “gurus” promise that the “money is in the list” and that you’ll make $1 per subscriber… But now that you have a list, you’re beginning to feel like you weren’t told the WHOLE truth?

Market Motive – Email Marketing Practitioner – Value $299

Email marketing has the power to nurture relationships with prospects and loyal customers at all stages of the buying cycle. In this course, Matt Bailey walks through proven strategies for creating an email program. From building lists, to crafting emails, to avoiding spam filters, and all the way to generating conversions and sales, learn to build an email marketing program that moves prospects toward a purchase and keeps loyal customers coming back.