Andre Chaperon and Michael Hauge – The Hollywood Story Method for Marketers – Value $197

THE THREE OF US WERE onto our second bottle of red, so the conversation was becoming more open and fluid.We were sharing stuff that, under normal circumstances, probably would have remained behind the curtain, sealed in a black box.
Amazing steak washed down with expensive wine has an almost magical ability to help with rapport and establish a deeper level of connection.

Gene Simmons – Me, Inc Build an Army of One – Value $26.99

The fact that KISS is one of the most successful rock bands in the world is no accident. From the beginning Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley had a clear-cut vision of what they wanted to do and how they wanted to operate KISS as a business well before they ever first took the stage. Since deciding with Paul to manage the band themselves, Simmons has proved himself to be a formidable businessman, having sold over 100 million CDs and DVDs worldwide, overseen over 3,000 licensed merchandise items, and starred in the longest running celebrity reality show to date. More impressive is that he handles all of his business ventures on his own—no personal assistant, few handlers, and as little red tape as possible.

Ajax Search Pro for WordPress – Live Search Plugin

Ajax Search Pro for WordPress was designed to boost the user search experience to the maximum. It provides a live ajax search, which makes the wordpress search experience more confortable. The results are presented with images (if any found), so they look more attractive and less flat. The search works with mobile devices, let it be Android or IOS powered. As of version 3.1 (2014 sep. 19) the search can override the default wordpress search results – so the ajax functionality is extended. The search can return posts, custom post types (like WooCommerce products, BBPress forums, topics, replies), Categories, custom taxonomy terms, buddypress users, buddypress gorups and buddypress activities as results.

Grant Weherley – Master Your ADHD Brain – Value $49

Exactly how your brain is functioning when you are feeling unfocused or impulsive
Simple (and weird!) habits and exercises that can improve brain function and performance
dramatically…or completely kill both if you don’t do them
The fastest ways to crush disorganization, distractions, and under motivation
Mental exercises to that have been scientifically proven to reverse the
neurology of distraction
Tools and Guides to help you use all of this and more to see
positive results fast!

Screecast Secrets – Value $99

Screencast video is great. You just record what’s on your computer screen. You don’t have to worry about video cameras, lighting or even what you look like. And screencast videos can be just as powerful…sometimes even more powerful…than regular on-camera video.

But screencast video can also be confusing, intimidating and frustrating. How do you make crystal-clear, great sounding and eye-popping screencast videos, instead of fuzzy, distorted and hard to hear videos (like most people)?

That’s where we come in. With our training course, How To Screencast Like a Pro, we’ll show you step by step exactly how to create dazzling, crystal-clear, great looking and great sounding screencast videos. Just watch what we show you and then repeat. It couldn’t get any simpler. And it can’t get any faster.

Encyclopedia of Deception – Value $282

The Encyclopedia of Deception examines lying from multiple perspectives drawn from the disciplines of social psychology, sociology, history, business, political science, cultural anthropology, moral philosophy, theology, law, family studies, evolutionary biology, philosophy, and more. From the “little white lie,” to lying on a resume, to the grandiose lies of presidents, this two-volume reference explores the phenomenon of lying in a multidisciplinary context to elucidate this common aspect of our daily lives. Not only a cultural phenomenon historically, lying is a frequent occurrence in our everyday lives. Research shows that we are likely to lie or intentionally deceive others several times a day or in one out of every four conversations that lasts more than 10 minutes.