Unbeatable Mind – Learn REAL Navy Seal Mental Toughness – Value $97

Do you wish you had the mental toughness of a Navy SEAL? Do you seek the confidence to deal with any threat, to steer any situation to a positive outcome? If so, you can now learn the inner secrets of Navy SEAL Mental Toughness and a develop a Warrior Offensive Mind-set from a veteran teacher of Special Operators, Corporate Executives, and Elite Athletes in the Unbeatable Mind Academy.

Mobile Mad Hatter Instagram Cash Blueprint – Value $1497 + $397/mo

The course is ridiculously over-priced but gives a good general knowledge about mobile marketing and how to grow a new Instagram account. Also provides decent information on how to monetize your account using shoutouts and mobile offers. A great share of the training is centered around their Black Magic tool which is used to comment on other people’s photos using hashtags so you need to find alternative to that. Instagress does the thing alright but I’d rather have a bot running on my computer rather than working on a server with thousands of other account.

Lee McIntyre – How to Enroll High Paying Clients Without Selling – Price $497

Lee McIntyre – How to Enroll High Paying Clents Without Selling
Lee McIntyre is the king where it comes to closing high-end clients over the phone.
His simple process that he teaches in this one-off webinar (no 12 module 40-hour course that you will NEVER consume anyway) is responsible for his company closing $4,000,000 worth of sales in the last 3 years alone.

Adwords for Beginners – The Ultimate Adwords Tutorial – Price $249

Search advertising is one of the most effective advertising that exists as it has a lower lead cost than most forms of advertising.
With search advertising, you no longer have to go out and waste your precious time finding new customers. Your potential customers are already looking for your products and services through search engines. What you need to do is make sure that your company is being found when people are looking for you.