Roger & Barry – eBay Underground Sales (eBus) – $997

Have you never got involved in e-commerce because you were too scared of the investments required?Have you started but not found success with Shopify or another of the platforms requiring monthly payments? Now’s your chance to get involved with eBay, the platform that never competes with you, helps you advertise your products, and actually promotes you as a newbie seller to get you more buyers! Join the eBay world with 180 million buyers, and realize your ecommerce dreams today with minimal investments, little work, and barely any risks.

Frank Kern – Intent Based Branding

Here’s what we’re doing together…The class is six weeks long…All lessons are taught live, and the recordings will be available inside your members’ area, so you don’t have to worry about missing anything …The net effect of our work together is for you to be EVERYWHERE in your market, continuously making offers and building goodwill at the same time …The purpose of this is tonot only make more sales, but to also build your BRAND and create a huge AUDIENCE of people who love you and want what you’re selling …

Till Boadella – Backend Accelerator – Value $1497

The Backend Accelerator is Till Boadella’s high-level mentoring program for business owners who are already making five-figures or six-figures a year and want to take their business to the next level. In the Backend Accelerator we do “done-with-you”​ product launches with clients where we work together closely over a period of 90 days and do a big product launch. Apply for a complimentary discovery call today to see if you qualify.

Bén Cùmmings – Traían Turcù Live Mastérclass 2018

Traian Turcu’s Amazing Story
Joined Ben Cummings’ Fast Track Coaching and sold his first Amazon business for $500K in less than 9 months.
Started next Amazon business in Apr2017 and hit $127K profit for the month of Aug2017. That’s right, $127K in profits (not revenue) in 4 months
Aug2018 – Making profits of $273K profit.
Aug2018 – Sold second Amazon business for $7.5mil.

Liàm Jàmes Kày – 6 Figure Affiliàte Bootcàmp

the 6 FIGURE AFFILIATE BOOTCAMP has launched 🚀
Learn How To Build A Super Profitable Affiliate Marketing Business From Your Laptop
Work With A Multiple 6 Figure Affiliate As He Reveals The Secrets to His Success.
Discover How To Upscale & Automate Your Business So You Can Live The Life You Want!
YES! Change My Life NOW!
“The Ultimate Affiliate Marketing Training Program Designed To Take You From Beginner to 6 Figure Super Affiliate in Record Time!”

Nick Torson & Max Sylvestre – Quit 9 to 5 Academy

Implement and CASH IN from THE EASY 1-STEP, 5-FIGURE PER DAY ‘Job Killing FUNNELS: You’ll model and generate huge profits from the exact, dead-simple funnels Nick and his students used to become the top affiliates on Clickbank by a long shot, earning up to $980,471 in a single month! You’ll be amazed at just how fast you can set up your own virtual “ATM Machines” whenever you’ve got a bit of spare time.