Nathan Gotch – Gotch SEO Academy 2.0

How to Quickly Learn SEO Without Any Marketing Experience
The opportunity to grow your business using SEO is bigger than ever.
The opportunity for you to turn SEO into a career is bigger than ever.
But at the end of the day, simply knowing this isn’t enough.
You need to take action.
You need a blueprint to follow.
But not just any blueprint.
You need a blueprint that’s been tested, refined, and proven.
That blueprint is Gotch SEO Academy 2.0.

Will Coombe – 3 Months To No 1 SEO

Is This You?

β€’ Total SEO Virgin?
β€’ Entrepreneur?
β€’ Business or Blog Owner with Big Plans?

Or Perhaps You’re One of These?

β€’ Mom & Pop store owner
β€’ Hard worker in need of technical knowledge
β€’ Frustrated Google AdWords spender
β€’ SEO professional looking for time-saving hacks
β€’ Affiliate marketer in the making
β€’ SEO blog & forum reader in need of structure

Jerry West – 2017 Ungagged SEO Presentation – Value $500

Being a bad ass is what most of us yearn to be in this business. The guy to the left?
Let me tell you his story.
You see, last week during the London attacks when three of the c**t terrorists were yelling β€œThis is for Allah!” He, by his own admission, was a stupid shit and yelled, β€œF**k You! I’m Millwall!!” and started attacking the knife wielding terrorists with his bare fists.

How To Land Web Design & SEO Clients Using Video Audits – Value $199

In this course I break down a simple way to build trust with local businesses by creating helpful videos.
This is an awesome way to get your foot in the door by showing a prospect some helpful information about their website and internet presence. I typically consider this a mini β€œaudit” so to speak where you can film a short screen capture video around 5-10 minutes in length.