“At Last! The Ultimate Guide to Creating and Profiting from Your Own
WebTV Show or Video Podcast in Any Niche, Regardless of Your Background or Experience.”
What Does The Training Include?
I’ve developed an easy to follow, P5 system that guides you through each step of the process…
PLAN – Decide on the topic and format for your show
PRODUCE – Setup a camera and record your show
PUBLISH – Upload the show to your blog or website
PROMOTE – Invite the world to come and view your show
PROFIT – Make money in both direct and indirect ways.
Here’s What You Get:
This new course is comprehensive! Each lesson is taught via online videos, and it contains everything you need to learn how to build and profit from your new online show or video podcast. If you prefer, you can listen to audio versions of each module, or download and read the transcripts.
Module #1:
How to PLAN your show. We’ll show you how to come up with great ideas for the show, how to research and validate those ideas, decide on the angle, and then plan every detail.
- The 5 Frequency Options for a Successful Show
- Should you present or co-present? Find out the answer.
- The pros and cons of filming inside vs outside.
- How to come up with an irresistable name for your show.
Module #2:
Producing a show requires 5 steps, which are easy when you know the P5 system. The steps are: Research, Write, Present, Film, and Edit.
- Should you use a script or an outline? Learn the difference and the secrets.
- How to overcome your nerves in front of the camera, and present like a pro.
- Teleprompter tips – how to do it properly if you choose to use a prompter.
- 4 Insider tricks for choosing and using a suitable set for your show.
Module #3:
Publishing is the phase when you launch your show on the world! It’s a real thrill to see the views coming in… as long as you have a system to make that happen!
- How to create a simple website to host and feature your show.
- How to get listed in iTunes fast and efficiently.
- The secrets of Roku, YouTube, and other distribution channels.
- How to publish every episode in a systemized, easy to follow blueprint.
Module #4:
Promotion. You gotta let the world know about your new show, and I’ll show you the many costly mistakes to avoid!
- Which social media channels to embrace, and which ones to reject.
- The hidden magic of press-releases for promoting your show.
- How to effectively leverage industry peers for free!
- Harnessing the simple email signature effectively.
Module #5:
Profit. There are 13 proven ways to monetize your show, and I’ll go in depth into each one, to show you how to benefit in the easiest way possible.
- Download the same forms and templates I use in my own shows.
- Learn how to approach sponsors, with a pre-done, ready to use script.
- Discover the best affiliate offers, and how to integrate them.
- Since traditional advertising doesn’t work in WebTV shows, learn how to work with advertisers to give them exactly what they want, even when your show is new.
Sales Page: http://www.startyourowntvshow.com/
Download Files Size: 3.79GB
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