
At BrainSpeak.com we know that our proprietary sounds and frequencies “speak” directly to the brain/mind, creating a biochemical response in the neurotransmitters of the brain.

Numerous case studies showed that these special tones and frequencies – when sent to pre-designated areas of the mind and body – can actually accelerate learning, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors and strengthen the body’s immune system. That is, the human brain can literally be “tuned” to far greater levels of performance.

In a world where human technology has surpassed our ability to keep up with the sheer volume of information available, it’s no wonder that people everywhere are feeling overwhelmed, confused, out of balance and burned to a crisp. The truth is that the human brain is not designed to be a short-term storage buffer for unlimited information. It was created to “think.”

Unfortunately, with the overwhelming amount of information that comes at us each day, the untuned brain has very little capacity left for the process of actually thinking. We use the term “untuned” because many years ago a playful genius by the name of Dr. John-David discovered a powerful secret…

John-David was among an elite group of cutting-edge neuroscientists and educators who believed – long before the concept of “whole brain learning” was accepted by the mainstream – that the mind/body/spirit are harmonically interconnected and resonate, on a cellular level, to sound and vibration.

As John-David explained it, certain sounds and frequencies “speak” directly to the brain/mind, creating a biochemical response in the neurotransmitters of the brain. His numerous case studies showed that these special tones and frequencies – when sent to pre-designated areas of the mind and body – can actually accelerate learning, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors and strengthen the body’s immune system.

That is, he discovered that the human brain can literally be “tuned” to far greater levels of performance. Today we know this to be true. After 20 years of research and experimentation with sound patterns and tones played at varying frequencies, he created an audio program using unique vibratory patterns to stimulate the brain’s neurons and boost synaptic response.

This allowed listeners to achieve quantum breakthroughs in accelerated learning. He called this masterpiece ULTRA-INTELLIGENCE®!

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