The Fastest, Easiest Way To Turn
No Money Into A Lot of Money
If you were to run into me somewhere, pull me aside and ask me what’s the fastest way to generate income for your new or existing web site, I would tell you to create a digital product. Sure, there are a lot of things you can make money with online…affiliate marketing, blog advertising, selling stuff on Amazon or eBay, selling physical products and so on.
But hands down, the fastest, easiest, cheapest and most profitable thing you can do is selling your own digital products (and even the people making money all the other ways eventually figure this out and turn to digital product too…happens every time).
I know this because I’ve been creating and selling digital (meaning instantly downloadable/accessible) products since 1999. You can create them in as little as one day. Typically for little money and often for no money at all. Ironically, they have a higher perceived value than most physical products. You need nothing more than a web site. People LOVE to access things instantly. And they can be ridiculously, insanely profitable.
In fact, just this past week I consulted with two local professionals on creating their own digital products. One was a physician (yes, a doctor) who was tired of all the headaches of running a practice and wanted to do “something” online instead. The other was a very successful business and real estate owner…who you gotta love this…wanted to make even more money by “doing something online” too. I told both to do digital products. And then I showed them step by step how it’s done…the right way.
When I finished, both were speechless. They had just seen how an average person, working all by themselves…and with little or no investment…could generate more income then they were doing with an entire staff working for them.
What did I tell them? What did I show them? What did they see that made them shake their heads and moan “Oh, why I haven’t I been doing this all along”? Well, you’re about to find out. Because now…
For The First Time Ever, I’m Going To
Share With You Everything I Know and Do
On Creating Insanely Profitable
Digital Products For Dirt Cheap
I’m calling it the Digital Product Playbook. And that’s because it’s a step-by-step game plan that anyone can use…whether you have a web site or not, whether you have an existing business or not, whether you have any experience or not…to start creating digital products for dirt cheap (or even no money at all) that can generate considerably income.
It’s contains the exact formulas and systems I personally use for all of my own stuff. I know it works because I use it. In fact, I’m using it right now for this product. It contains everything I know, have learned and do for every digital product I create. And these are techniques and principles based on real-world, daily experience over the past 14 years on creating hundreds (yes, hundreds) of successful digital products…it’s not some get-rich-quick “breakthrough” based on someone’s random a one-hit-wonder.
What does this mean for you? Several things. First, the information you’re getting is legit. And straight to the point. And contains no fluff, filler, sales pitches for other products or useless theory that doesn’t work in the real world. Next, your learning curve has been eliminated. I’ve already made all of the mistakes, stupid decisions and screw ups while mastering this craft. So you’re going to learn exactly how to do things right, step by step…and sometimes more importantly…exactly what not to do. And finally, to get straight to the point, you’re going to learn how to come up with product ideas, get them made for cheap or for nothing and get them generating cash for you…fast.
I will be sharing with you everything I know and do, from A to Z. That means I’m going to show you how to come up with profitable product ideas anytime you want (this might be the biggest secret of all). I’m going to show you how to create these products yourself, for zero cost (sometimes in just hours). I’m going to show you how to have other people create your products for you, for dirt cheap (this is where my experience is invaluable to you). And I’m going to show you how to do this for all types of digital products (video, audio, software, books). Plus a heck of a lot more.
In Fact, I’m Going To Put My Money
Where My Mouth Is and Let You Watch
Me Create a Real Product…
Here’s how this is going to work. Rather than giving you a bunch of generalized knowledge on creating hypothetical products…I’m going to prove to you that what you’ll be learning from me is the real deal. And I’m going to do this by creating a real digital product in the course…using the exact techniques I teach you in the training. That way you can see exactly how everything comes together.
Let me be clear on this…this is a REAL product that is sold to the public. Not some made up or example product, but the real thing. You’re going to see me pull this product idea out of my head, create it and sell it. All for dirt cheap. And fast. It’s going to be very cool and a priceless learning experience for you. It will be like having a backstage pass to see how something that a lot of people on the Internet will be using, actually came to life.
But the best part is I’m going to give you this product for FREE, as part of my Digital Product Playbook package. Everyone else on the Internet is going to have to buy it. But not you. By signing-up for this course, you’re going to get it for FREE. Cool, huh?
Here’s How This Training Will Work
This is going to be what I call “hybrid training”. That means it’s going to be part pre-recorded webinar and part traditional, pre-recorded video training. From experience, I have found that people like to learn in different ways…so I’m providing those different ways.
First up will be the pre-recorded webinar training. These 3 separate, private webinar recordings were made earlier this year with a private coaching group and each last around an hour and a half. The first two webinar recordings cover everything from A to Z on how to create profitable digital products for dirt cheap. The third webinar recording covers me creating a REAL product on the fly. Because these are recordings of webinars I held with a private group, you will also be able to see the questions I was asked during these webinars and the answers I gave.
Second, you get traditional video training modules too. These video training lessons cover the same material presented in the webinars, however, they are broken into smaller, individual lessons. The benefit for you is you don’t have to watch hours and hours of webinar recordings if you don’t want to…you can just watch the individual video lessons instead. In other words, you get the best of both worlds.
And don’t forget, also included is the REAL digital product that I create in the training. It’s cool. You’ll want it. But you won’t have to pay for it like everyone else does. You get it free as part of the package.
The bottom line? You are getting 3 products in 1. You are getting access to the 3 webinars recordings I held with a private coaching group. You are getting a complete video training course, that you can access on-demand, for life. And you are getting the REAL product that was created during this training for FREE.
Plus I’m Throwing In An Exclusive Bonus
That I’ve Never Shared With Anyone…Ever
The next question people always have after creating a digital product is “how can I get traffic to my web site to sell it?” And there is no shortage of options, techniques…or people willing to sell you their “secrets”…on how to get traffic.
Guess what? Most of it’s pure crap. Sorry to be so blunt, but it’s the truth. You’ve probably already found this out yourself.
So I’m going to give you…as a FREE bonus for taking my training…something I call Traffic Revelation. This was actually going to be a completely new product that I was going to sell, but instead, I’ve decided to turn it into a straight-to-the-point report that tells you the exact steps to take which allow you to transform any web site from no visitors…to 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 50,000 unique visitors a month.
This information is no joke, it’s no hype and it works. It’s also information that I promise you haven’t seen before. The reason why I’ve decided to include it in this package…and for FREE no less…is because it fits perfectly with what I teach about product creation. And once you see both, you’ll understand.
Here’s the deal. This package normally sells for $99. But with our Labor Day sale, you can get an instant 21% discount through September 1, 2014. You’re going to get all of this for just $79.
Yep. Just $79 will get the the 3 webinar recordings, the video training course, the software and the bonus traffic report. It’s the best deal I’ve ever offered.
And you get instant, lifetime access to it all. One price. You get it all for life. No gimmicks, no tricks and no fine print. But remember, this instant 21% discount is only good through September 1, 2014.