What Everybody Ought to Know About Continuity Income Plus How A Tiny Tweak In My Business Lead To $11,476 In Recurring Revenue In Just 13 Days Without Hassle or Overwhelm.
Video Below Shows This System Works Like Crazy – Inside Mario’s Infusionsoft & PayPal Account
It was in January 2009 when
I got started with Online Marketing.
After growing up in Germany I packed up my backpack and traveled to Ecuador for adventure, to learn Spanish and explore other cultures.
26 years old, broke, not speaking a single word of Spanish.
I lasted for 7 months. That’s how long it took for me to run out of cash.
Hey trust me I squeezed everything out of every dollar I had.
The cheapest ticket to the USA that I could find was a flight to Miami.
No friends there, no family there and I had to leave behind my girlfriend in Ecuador.
After about 3 months of wasting my time working a miserable Front Desk job on Collins Avenue in South Beach (Graveyard Shift) I decided that it was time to make something out of my life.
At that time I had 4 roommates, made $865 bi-weekly and a bit of cash under the table selling Tours to the Universal Studios & Everglades.
My big goal was this: Find a way to make $2500 per month and with that I can tell my boss ‘I’m freaking outta here’!
Bought the cheapest laptop I could find at Office Depot, opened up my browser and typed in ‘How To Make Money Online’.
Well now I wish I could tell you that from that moment on money started just arriving in my bank account, kinda like some B.S. marketers are trying to make you believe.
You know what I mean right, push this button, use this software and magically money falls out of the sky and you’ll be rich and famous. And sexy.
Yeah Right.
It took me a freaking 3 month to make my first $7 sale online.
Bought every freaking product that Google brought up. Every Sales Letter freaking made me think this is THE Solution.
Cut me some slack, I was a brand spanking newbie and not yet aware of the power of copywriting or marketing so I literally believed every word on those pages.
Got overwhelmed, got stuck and to be honest, I got addicted to buying products day after day, buying hope I guess.
Of course, there was very little execution but after 3 month of nothing my girlfriend (yes the one from Ecuador, she gave up her life in Ecuador to be with me) told me that I either freaking make this work or move on.
She was serious. Plus, she’s Latina so yes, you don’t want them upset!
So I finally took action and implemented, created a $7 product and actually made some sales.
From there, over the next 12 month I launched more products, I SLOWLY but surely built a list & started affiliate marketing as well.
I finally made money!!!
Here is the crazy part though. I still struggled.
The Online Marketing income was very, and I mean VERY inconsistent.
One month I’d do great at the time and bring in like 6k, which at the time felt like 100k, no kidding!
Then for 2-3 month nothing or very little.
This would go on month after month.
100% inconsistent revenue which drove us crazy. A total emotional and financial roller coaster ride.
It was impossible to really plan anything because we never new if we’ll be able to pay our bills or if this month will be a great month for us.
This, by the way, is the reality for 95% of online marketers out there and yes this includes the folks you think are ‘killing’ it with their product launches etc.
I hated being dependent on launches & not knowing if next month I won’t have enough cash to pay my living expenses so I decided that enough was enough.
I committed to generating Recurring Revenue, Continuity Income.
This is when everything changed! Big Time!
I started buying every book, resource & course that was
talking about continuity income and I immersed myself for weeks.
How do you start a membership site, what make people want to join,
what do people pay for every month, how do people stick around?
I studied every page, every video, and every resource.
It paid off Big.
- Peace Of Mind
You can’t believe how powerful & freeing it is when you know that every single month no matter what, you have money coming in guaranteed.
It’s THE ultimate Peace of Mind.
No more roller coaster, no more anxiousness, no more uncertainty!
Pure predictability, Peace of mind and TRUE financial freedom.
Let me tell you something – if you can build your recurring revenue to cover your monthly fix cost plus a bit to save, that to me is financial freedom.
Not having to work for a boss, knowing that all your expenses are covered thanks to the continuity income you’ve built.
I’ve been focusing on this for the last 8 years and have multiple sources of continuity income and I teach my high end clients since years how to set this up quickly.
Of course not everyone can afford my $35,000 Consulting fee to work with me personally so I’ve decided to package all my knowledge, tactics and straggles into one simple course
In Fact, Here Is Every Module Laid Out for You.
Strategic System Overview &
The ‘Private Members-Only’ Formula
We get straight to the point by delivering you the PROVEN, income generating formula right here in the first module. You’ll be off to a HUGE HEAD START by completing this lesson, you’ll discover why Video is critical PLUS You’ll get my Mental Toughness Hacks forcing you to execute and implement every lesson in this training for bigger profits & growth, you’ll discover why Recurring Revenue & Continuity is critical PLUS a step by step overview of the system and how to get the most out if it and the fastest results. Also included is my ‘kick in the pants’ video ensuring that you’ll execute right from day 1 forcing you to implement every lesson in this training for bigger profits & growth.
The Perfect Recurring Revenue Model
I break down THE Top 3 best and easiest funnels to generate continuity profits the fastest way starting today. Low Ticket, Mid Ticket, High Ticket, Software, Service – I show you which one works the best and how to get a head start. You never have to wonder where to start or what the best source of recurring revenue is – this Module get you set up immediately ready to execute and implement with the perfect Business Model for continuity profits.
My EXACT Landing Pages,
Sign Up Pages & Templates
This is LITERALLY Gold. I’ve been doing this for 8 years and I perfected my sign up pages, trial pages and videos to sell recurring revenue offers quickly and easily. Today YOU get access to all of them and you can leverage them immediately. This saves you an awful lot of time and headaches because now you never have to figure this stuff out by Trial and Error. You just literally swipe my landing page, my format, my PROVEN set up and you’re 100% ready to go! It doesn’t get anymore REAL WORLD.
My Funnels Hacked & Exposed
Well this is where the rubber meets the road. I have different SIMPLE funnels to bring in continuity revenue and in this module I’m breaking them down for you step by step. Traffic sources, sales triggers, offer structure, follow up – you get everything delivered on a silver platter. Do you want to figure this stuff out yourself with trial and error wasting your time & efforts or do you rather just swipe my proven funnels and get started in minutes? The choice is yours!
Selling Recurring Offers Like Hot Cakes From Day 1
Well I found a CRAZY powerful way to get a massive influx of new members within just days. And here is the best part, they will LOVE you for making a recurring offer. This is THE best non-sales way I’ve found to offer my membership sites and like I said, people literally email me to thank me for how awesome everything is. I can’t give this strategy away here on the sales page but be aware that this one strategy added over 35k in yearly recurring revenue plus $3.5k in monthly commission to my business in the last 4 weeks alone!
Tactical Tools & Proven 5 Star Retention Strategies
Getting members on board is great but the true secret is to KEEP members on board and to keep them happy. Not just that, but to turn them into raving fans telling others about your offers and services. I’ll share my top retention strategies in this module so that you can immediately increase your stick rate the moment you get members on board. This will guarantee long term recurring revenue for you and that right this is THE most powerful thing you can have in this game. Plus, I also share the behind the scenes of my Members Area set up, how I take payments & all that good stuff.
2 Powerful REAL Case Studies
100% Behind The Scenes
Well this is why everyone loves my products. REAL WORLD case studies based on RESULTS, not theory. One of my membership sites got over 1500 members. In the last 4 weeks alone I used Facebook Strategies & other traffic sources to bring in hundreds of members and in these 2 case studies I show you exactly, STEP BY STEP how I did it. I’m talking actual Facebook Ads, my exact offer, the Trial Offer, my Webinar Offer – You GET EVERYTHING on a silver platter. This will save you thousands of dollars, endless time and headaches because now literally you see how I do it and you can just swipe my ads, copy and process TODAY!
You have to choice to make right now.
Keep doing what you’ve been doing getting the same old results OR Take Action Right Now and get immediate access to a system that is proven to work and that has been created from REAL results and testing.
The timer is ticking and now it’s time to get off the fence, it’s time to take your business and life to the next level.
You heard my story, you saw my video – if I can do it, you can do it too.
I’m here to help you along the way, I’ll take you by the hand and I’ll hold you accountable during the live calls but it’s up to YOU right now to take that first step and to get started Today.
Let’s Do This!
Sales Page: http://fbcontinuityprofits.com/
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