The almost unfair way marketing “big dogs” secretly turn everyday products into money-printing machines…
…that “automatically” make them RICH!
Written by: Direct Response with DMoney (@SalesWithDMoney)
If anyone can sell the same products online, why are there so many guys competing for scraps, while a select few are sitting on yachts, effortlessly printing money right now?
Billionaire Peter Thiel once proclaimed, “competition is for losers.”
Translation: competing with others guarantees you’re headed for a race to the bottom: the lowest profits, the lowest payouts, and the most difficult path to making money.
Here’s the secret: the only way to make real money online is to build a unique “moat” around your product that no one else can compete with. This lets you sell the same exact products as your competitor but twice as much.
If you can build your own unique moat, you unlock the unfair way you can make $2 for every $1 spent, while all your competition goes broke.
The truth is, I used to be one of these “small guys” who tried and tried but could never sell anything online
I spent hours reading books and watching how-to videos. I did everything they told me to — even spending thousands of dollars on making sales videos — yet nothing ever seemed to work.
Whether it was dating products, fat loss supplements, or trendy t-shirts, I was never able to make more than a couple hundred dollars selling online.
For years, everything I tried to sell already had extreme amounts of competition. I was completely lost in a sea of other entrepreneurs trying to sell similar products using the same strategies I was.
Meanwhile, I knew literal millionaires who were selling boatloads of their products, even though they weren’t working close to as hard as I was.
I finally had enough. I decided I was going to ask one of these internet millionaires outright: What are you doing differently to make so much money online? What’s your secret?
That’s when a casual conversation with an old friend revealed the insane “unfair advantage” that would change everything
First, let me tell who this friend is and why I was so willing to take his advice.
He was a college dropout who moved across the country to make it big in Los Angeles, creating a business that sold over 8-figures every year. The company became so successful, it was featured on Y-Combinator.
But that wasn’t successful enough for him. Wanting more, he started another company from scratch, building it to 7-figures in just one year with thousands of extremely loyal customers.
And if that wasn’t enough, he’s built 3 more companies using the same strategy and getting the same incredible results.
In short, this guy is a marketing genius, a serial entrepreneur, and someone who understands how to make money online.
Over the course of about 10 hours, I show you start-to-finish how to make the perfect Movie-VSL. First, you discover in 5 steps how to come up with ideas, storyboard, write the script, direct, and produce. You even get access to my own outlines and specialized techniques.
You see me break down 3 of the most profitable Movie-VSLs ever. You get my complete commentary on what they do effectively, what could be even better, and the sneaky techniques they use that only a VSL pro could notice. You also get over a dozen examples to give you ideas and better refine your money-making skills.
You get to watch me write a Movie-VSL in real time. You’re literally going to see me go from zero words to four thousand words and be finished. I follow the same formula I give you and take you through the entire Movie VSL-building process. I leave no detail out.
Here are some of the Movie-VSLs you get to see broken down to learn how to make addicting content
You watch me firsthand as I do the research, outlining, and scriptwriting for a brand new Movie-VSL
By the end of this course you exit with your fully finished Movie-VSL that you can put on your website.
Not to mention, this course is hosted in a private members area, where you gain access to ad libraries, outlines, scripts, and spy tools. And you’ll even be able to bounce ideas off other members who are building a Movie-VSL just like you.
You’re going to do as Peter Thiel says and “stop competing.” Now, you’re going to be in a league all on your own, just like Elon Musk and all the other hugely successful entrepreneurs out there.
If you’re a freelancer, you’re going to be free to charge whatever you’d like for your services. If you’re selling a product, you’re going to get customers at an absurdly low cost. You’re going to target an audience that’s never seen anything like this before — no matter how competitive your niche normally is.
You’re going to have the time to do what you want and focus on enjoying life, as money starts pouring in almost automatically as your Movie-VSL takes off.
If you’re a copywriter or a consultant, there’s no reason why you can’t take everything I show you in Hollywood VSLs and start charging the exact same rate with just a bit of experience under your belt.
If you’re a business owner or an affiliate marketer, you would have to spend this amount of money to get a sales video of this quality. However with Hollywood VSLs, you’ll have a proven strategy to quickly and easily make a Movie-VSL all on your own.
Just think of what you could charge for your first video after spending some time with Hollywood VSLs. If you’re a freelancer you could make back your money in literally one project with an over 89% profit margin. If you run an offer you could halve your CPAs and double your AOVs virtually overnight.
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