Everything you need to know to style, compose + photograph
your unique food story.
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Envision fresh composition options before you even take your camera out of the bag.
What if you didn’t need to take a million lemon meringue shots
to get it right?
Nailing food composition became second nature and you wondered how you ever struggled in the first place?
You were more organised and went into the photo shoot with a clear vision for what you want (rather than winging it every time). You could achieve the right ‘feel’ for your images and tell a story with your photos.
You were able to define your personal style to make your food photography truly recognisable and memorable (and land you that dream gig!). Your portfolio was cohesive and represented your unique style and flair.
When shooting cup cakes, you could get into that creative ‘zone’ (which is when the best shots happen!).
Train your eyes to see things that would make an amazing image.
I hear your frustrations!
“You love taking photos of waffles but you struggle to find fresh ideas to style and compose the shot.”
“You keep reverting back to the same old, familiar setups (plate in the foreground, glass in the background) because when you try something new it just doesn’t work out“.
Or you take no less than 60 shots and you still don’t LOVE any of them!
Your food photos all just look dull and same-samey. Or the food looks, well, a little brown. (Aka…boring)
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