Revealed: The Simple 8-Step Method That Put $25,726.44 In My Pocket In Less Than One Week And $10,835.07 in Just 24 Hours…
I know it sounds bold, but making 5 or even 6 figures in a very short period of time online is VERY POSSIBLE.
Don’t worry, I’ll show you some proof of these claims below, but imagine for a minute what your life would be like if you didn’t have to get up and go to work in the morning.
No alarm clock forcing you to get up early in the morning…
No commute to and from work…
No office politics…
No feeling of despair in the pit of your stomach on Sunday afternoon because you know the weekend is almost over and you have go back to a job you really don’t like in just a few short hours…
Being able to earn a full-time income online is not just about the money…
It’s About The Freedom That Money Buys You
The Freedom to…
Work Where Ever You Want…
…When Ever You Want!
Do The Things You Want To Do…
…Like Travel Or Hobbies
Spend More Time With Your…
…Friends & Family
Live Your Life…
…On Your Own Terms!
It sounds great, but you’ve probably heard all this before, right?
There are countless courses out there promising to show you the secret to online success…
Many tout the latest and greatest one-click software or secret money-making method that will put thousands in your bank account within 37 minutes from now…
Yeah right!
Let me let you in on a little secret…
There is no push-button system that will have you in business and making a recurring income with just a few clicks of the mouse…
Earning an income online is a process.
If you’re like most aspiring internet marketers, you’ve probably bought a course or program in the past that promised to show you the secret to success online.
Although there are some good programs and courses out there, most of them are incomplete or just plain don’t work.
Quite frankly, that’s sort of the point.
Many of the so-called “gurus” want you to keep buying course after course. That’s how they make their money.
In fact, the process to earning money online is actually overcomplicated… in many cases, intentionally… to keep you confused and buying product after product, course after course.
And, the plot thickens…
Many of the courses that are promoted to you daily via email and on marketing forums are just theory.
In other words the product creator didn’t even test the method.
They have to do this to keep coming up with content to sell you.
Chasing “shiny objects” is the reason why most aspiring marketers FAIL…
The downfall of most marketers and the reason why 95% of the people out there will never make a full-time living online is because they are busy chasing shortcuts, 3-click software miracles, and other shiny objects…
Most aspiring marketers are distracted because they’re buying the wrong products and following the wrong marketers.
Learning from someone who has “been there” and “done that” is a HUGE key to online success and enables you to get where you want to get much faster.
To Have Success Online…
…You Need A System To Plug Into That:
Is Proven To Work
Will Keep You Motivated
Shows you how to make money in a step-by-step format
Provides Ongoing Training And Support
The best person to teach you how to do all of this, is someone that does what they teach, each and every day…
I don’t show you this to brag…
I posted it to show you what’s possible online.
I can show you how to earn a 4 figure, 5 figure, or even 6 figure monthly income online even if you have ZERO EXPERIENCE…
When I started online, I got bogged down with all of the push-button promises and “noise” that’s being promoted out there…
It made me mad…
I decided to put together an easy-to-follow course that would allow anyone, regardless of prior experience, to become successful online with product launches…
…even if you’ve never made a single dime online before…
An easy-to-follow, 8 module step by step system that walks you through the entire process of launching your own product.
Over 4 hours of video training so you can watch over my shoulder as I set everything up right in front of your eyes.
30-Page PDF outlining each video for those that like to read or have something in writing for a quick reference.
Product Launch Checklist that makes it easy for you to get started and put massive cash in your pocket.
Checklists to keep you on track and on pace along the way
Pressed for time and looking to get started ASAP? No problem. you’ll get my fast action cheat sheets to start putting money in your pocket as fast as possible
Support if you need help along the way
FREEDOM from jumping from one “shiny object” to the next because this system is proven to work if you follow the steps.
Setting Up A Sales Funnel
Inside this training, you’ll learn how to setup the perfect sales funnel quickly and easily.
You’ll get to watch over my shoulder as I show you how to easily setup countdown times, secure membership pages, upsells, downsells, and a lot more.
Real Value = $27.00
Setting Up Your JV Page
There’s nothing like having a JV partner send you a flood of converting, targeting traffic. The best part about JV traffic.? You don’t have to pay a penny for it upfront.
You’ll get to see exactly how I setup a JV page that attracts joint venture partners like flies to honey. I cover it all. the optin page, promotion tools, the menu, and a lot more.
Real Value = $27.00
First Product With No JV Partners
If you’re new to the industry and don’t have any JV partners lined up, this module will teach you how to get an army of partners and affiliates promoting your launch and putting money in your pocket.
Real Value = $27.00
Maxing Out Your Promotion
This module continues to cover some super secret tactics I personally use to find the best affiliates and JV partners.
You’ll get over the shoulder training where you’ll see me use ________________, ________________, and _________________ to bring in hundreds of active affiliates quickly.
Real Value = $27.00
Closing High Ticket Sales
High ticket coaching programs can easily put 5 and 6 figures profits in your bank account in a matter of days.
Inside this module, you’ll learn how to setup, launch, and successfully put a high ticket coaching program in place. You’ll also get to see EXACTLY how you can find the perfect high ticket coaching clients and weed out the tire kickers.
Real Value = $27.00
Leverage Profits
Connections and relationships can be the key to a successful launch and online business. It can actually happen overnight.
Inside this module you’ll learn how to leverage the powerful of other successful marketers and tap directly into profitable business relationship. Our step by step guide will show you how to get started, how to approach the right people and of course where to look. With no detail left out this new model will blow you away, opening your eyes to what’s possible and how easy it can be.
Real Value = $47.00
Super Funnel Training
Let me take you by the hand and introduce you to my world of Marketing 2.0. The complete picture, breaking down what I’ve learnt about marketing funnels of the past 8 years.
This module will be a live two hour training series where I break apart everything single part of my Super Funnel MindMap. This is the same mind map I use to coach my $5,000 paying clients which works in any niche. This module alone is valued at $497 for a reason. For those who can’t make the live training there will be a recording available in the members area. From free traffic, paid traffic, followup emails, automation, segmentation, membership sites, upsells, downsells, cross offers and more you’ll not find a more in depth or detailed training series on funnels. guaranteed.
Real Value = $497.00
Advanced Affiliate Attraction
The 1 hour long training video was created only for my high ticket coaching clients and has been responsible for hundreds of thousands in online sales.
With so many people confused about JV recruitment, the best ways to go about it and how to get the most exposure for your launch this is an unmissable training module which will take you from having no connections to interacting with some of the top names in the industry. From there we’ll show you how to leverage your connections for maximum launch profits.
Real Value = $297.00
I created the Power Pack to give you not only hours of over the shoulder video training but everything else you need, with no stone left unturned. We’re including the Product Launch Guide.
Product Launch Checklist, Trello Training, Product Launching Facebook Groups, Affiliate Contest Formula, Product Launch Calculator and more.
Inside the Power Pack + you’ll find PDF’s, more detailed training videos, spreadsheet formulas which we use in our own business and all the resources you need. Normally a package like this would be sold as an upgrade. During this launch special we’re including it for 100% FREE.
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