Why Should You Enroll In This School?
✅I have seen extraordinary success with my YouTube channel, amassing a large audience, and earning more than $125,000 a month in profit with completely organic growth. No paid ads. No selling my soul to Susan Wojciciki.
✅It took me 1 year of consistent YouTube content creation to reach a measly 3,500 subscribers… I could basically only get my mom and like 3 cousins to watch… But I finally figured it out and in year 2 I hit 225,000 subscribers. I now regularly gain more subscribers in 1 day than I did in my first 6 months.
The question to ask yourself is.. how much is your time worth?
✅It took me an entire year to figure out what the YouTube algorithm likes and dislikes.
✅In this school you will learn in about 9 hours what took me 2,000+ hours to figure out. Am I selling the ability to time travel? Kind of.
✅Note: yes you can absolutely figure most of this out yourself for free but is your time worth more than $0.25 an hour?
$500 program / 2000 hours = $0.25
If you answered “Yes”:
Make a purchase and get your gosh darn channel growing. *worst case scenario you can return it for full a refund if you think I stink*
If you answered “No”:
Don’t buy this course and send me an email because I will hire anyone at $0.25/hr 😉
What You Get:
– How to navigate the stress and awkwardness that is your first videos (I even show you some of my terrible first vids.. it’s bad)
– How to produce high quality content for all budgets (from under $100 to a full $10,000 studio and everything in-between)
– How to set up lights so you don’t look like a gremlin on camera
– How to build an audience that actually likes and wants to watch you on a daily basis
– How to quickly edit videos and thumbnails like a freaking pro
– How to navigate the many ways to monetize your channel (my favorite topic)
– What the algorithm wants.. Boy is she an elegant beast that algorithm
– And much, much, more. Check out the full curriculum below if you’re still not convinced.
Sales Page: https://max-maher.teachable.com/p/complete-guide-to-building-an-audience-and-wealth-on-youtube
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