Write The Words That Sell Without Sleaze.
Anyone can write heart-centered, yet persuasive sales copy, when you follow the carefully constructed system inside
The Copywriting Academy
This Proven SYSTEM Cranks Out All the
Cash-Creating Copy You Need
This is not just a course, and not just a coaching program – it’s a system for writing copy.
Any and all copy you need for your business. The Academy is right for you if…
You’re planning to do a “Jeff Walker style” Product Launch and you want to be sure you nail the copy.
You are an entrepreneur, small business owner, or solo professional and want to write your own copy (granting you the power to create “cash flow incidents” on demand).
You’re a subject matter expert who is building a Platform – and you don’t want to smear your good reputation with sleazy, cheesy sales copy.
You’re a writer (fiction, non-fiction, inspirational, how-to) and you want to sell more books without compromising your craft.
You sell products, training or services in a “soft topic” market (like creative and spiritual work… plus art, music, or counseling).
You’re a freelance copywriter who wants to learn dozens of new response-boosting tricks, the latest “social-friendly” copy techniques, and how to attract higher-paying clients by the dozen.
You are a certified professional or work in a highly-regulated industry, and find other marketing and copywriting courses ignore the important compliance issues you face. (We’ll help you market effectively, keep your license safe, and show you how to stay classy!)
You want to tap the profit-pulling power of compelling copy, but don’t want to shell out $50,000 (or more) every time you need sales copy written.
You want to train your on-staff copywriter in the secrets of proven direct-response copywriting that gets results.
You plan to hire outside pro copywriters, and want to know the “inner secrets” of their craft – so you can know for sure if you’re getting the real deal (and avoid getting ripped off!).
Copywriting Academy is a complete, 100% comprehensive online learning-and-doing system that not only teaches you how to write copy that sells your products, services and ideas… but also helps you get it done while you learn.
You work at your own pace – go as fast or as slow as you want.
The techniques, tools and templates are yours, and you can use them to write as many cash-creating promotions, sales letters, product launches, and email campaigns as you want.
For Your One-Time Investment, You Get LIFETIME ACCESS…
Sure, you know you need to master the art and science of copywriting. But what if you can’t wait 10 weeks to finish the entire, comprehensive Academy training? What if you need to bring in some cash in the next 24 hours? In this session, I give you a template, some quick, easy-to-follow instructions, and walk you through examples. You will craft quick copy that creates cash… and you’ll do it in about an hour!
- This Session has deep principles baked in. Powerful core skills of Master Copywriters are installed into your nervous system in one hour.
- I’ll give you The World’s Easiest Copy Template™. This is one you’ll use over and over again, and it will make every communication in your life more effective.
- The 3-Step Delivery System that allows you to bring in money when you need it, often in mere hours. This System will make you a Cashflow Engineer™.
This is the Core Training of the Academy. In this Session you will gain the essential moves that will make you a master. Bruce Lee once said, “I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times.” While I am giving you more than one “kick” to practice in this Session, this handful of systematic tactics will make you a copywriting force to be reckoned with.
- How to write the one Magic Sentence™ that will become your Persuasion GPS from now on. This Magic Sentence™ is deceptively simple – yet has revolutionized many businesses. Your business is next!
- What screenwriters and novelists know that marketers don’t – the power of selling and persuading through story. And this is more than just a re-hash of Joseph Campbell’s Hero’s Journey … telling a story is not enough. You must tell the right story, in the right way, to the right people, at the right time.
- The Buyer’s Journey Genius Map™ is a slick, high-resolution info-graphic that helps you walk your reader through the 12 Gates every buyer must pass through before they decide to buy.
- The Deeper Secrets of the P.A.S.T.O.R. Framework™. What I teach publicly is merely the tip of the iceberg – under the waterline, there is a lot to see. This session takes you from White Belt to Black Belt level mastery of P.A.S.T.O.R.
- The Perfect Sales Letter Checklist™. This simple tool, suitable for laminating, will be your Copywriting Safety Protocol – never again leave out an important element of your copy. Make sure every Sales Letter you (or your writers) produce contains every crucial element.
In a day when most everyone is faced with an overwhelming mountain of text to read (in magazines, newspapers, on their computers, their tablets, and phones)… how do you cut through the clutter? The answer is in your headlines and subheads. You’re getting the “secret sauce” of attracting the attention of readers, standing out in a sea of sameness, and rising above the mass of the mediocre.
- The most important copy on your sales page is NOT your Headline. In this session, I will prove this – and I’ll show you the exciting implications of this contrarian viewpoint,
- Free-Forever Access to the Infinite Headline Swipe File™ – never again be “stuck” for a powerful headline idea.
- The 5 Headline Archetypes. If this is the only thing you ever know about headlines, it would be enough.
- 21 proven templates that will have you generating subheads faster than Krispy Kreme cranks out donuts.
- My secret weapon for knocking down the wall of skepticism & doubt surrounding most of your customers. Once you understand the power of O.P.E.N. you will be able to generate near-instant rapport (using words on a screen!).
- Turn up the “EQ” with the most powerful (and dangerous) type of headline known to humanity. This is not an exaggeration. Use with caution.
Many would have you believe it doesn’t “work” any more. But I’m here to proclaim the truth: the rumors of the death of email have been greatly exaggerated. The more subtle truth is: what worked 5 years ago won’t work this year. Heck, what worked last year won’t work this year. In this session, you’re finding out what does work. Now.
- The indisputable, easily verifiable fact that email is still the #1 method for driving sales online. If you have a traditional, brick & mortar business… welcome to the Promised Land. You’re about to gain superhuman marketing powers that leave your former competition wondering what just happened to them.
- The 3 Core Email Types, what they do, and why you should be using all three.
- The perfect frequency for emailing your subscribers. Prepare to be shocked.
- The 3 Email Sequences every small business owner needs to have working on automatic pilot… even if you don’t have a website!
- Ray’s Email Treasure Box: Email templates for all 3 Core Types, all 3 Sequences, and more! This is literally “swipe and deploy” email writing.
The most powerful force in copywriting may be the humble bullet point. Have you ever had this experience: you’re reading sales copy, and not sure whether you’re going to buy the product … until you read that one bullet point. That one, incredible, curiosity-invoking bullet point. The one that made you say to yourself: “Okay, I’m going to buy if only to know what the heck this bullet is all about!” Fortunes are made on Bullet Points alone. Nearly every sales letter I see these days has two fatal flaws: (1) not enough bullet points and (2) bullet points done wrong. After this session, your copy will have neither of those flaws.
- Lessons from The World’s Greatest Copywriter You’ve Never Heard Of. This gentleman gave birth to more profit-pulling copy than 99.99% of all copywriters. Most of that copy was in the form of bullet points.
- The secret to writing irresistible Bullet Points. How to integrate the 5 Emotional Motivators into your Bullets with ease.
- The Ultimate Bullet Point Swipe File™. This endless resource of great bullet points will always be available to give you new & innovative bullet point copy.
- Ray’s Proven 101 Bullet Point Templates. Plug & play – fill in 4-5 blanks once, and generate 101 Bullet Points in seconds.
If I was limited to only one tool in my Copywriter Toolbox, this would be it. If you create a truly irresistible offer, the thing will virtually sell itself. This is harder than you might think – unless you have the secret formula for creating irresistible offers. And now you do.
- The not-so-obvious components of a truly “irresistible” offer.
- How to craft your offer in a way that makes the rest of your copy easier to write.
- The 80/20 Offer Formula – why getting these ratios is important, why messing them up can kill a great offer, and how to get this right every time.
- The 9 Kinds of Offers. Most copywriters only know about 2 of these. Knowing all 9, how they work, and when to use them takes you from novice to master.
Your job as a copywriter is to remove as much friction from the sales process as possible. The biggest friction point in the sales process is your customer’s fear. It is possible to completely remove that fear and eliminate that friction – if you know what you’re doing.
- Why a simple, standard “Money Back Guarantee” is required – but still won’t work. What you must do instead.
- What buyers fear most (it’s not what you think), how it blocks them from purchasing, and how you can totally eliminate this block with my “Tipping Point Protocol.”
- My 10-Part Guarantee Formula That Works Like a Champ.
- Total Guarantee Transformation – watch as I take a weak, wimpy Guarantee, and turn it into the most Powerful, Positive, and Persuasive copy on the page.
This is a very weak section of almost every sales letter I analyze. When we were young, most of us were taught: “Don’t talk to strangers.” We were also taught: “Don’t ask people for money.” And then we grow up, become entrepreneurs, and discover we are actually in the business of asking strangers for money. No wonder we have so much inner conflict when it comes to asking for the sale. We ask for the sale hesitantly, haltingly, and ultimately with no conviction.
- Discover the 7 Deadly Sins of closing copy: which of these do you make? And how much money are these mistakes costing you?
- The one approach that will allow you to close the deal without “doing the hard-sell.”
- How to create a “decision-rich environment.” The more opportunities you give your reader to buy, the better the chances he will.
- My 5 Archetype Closing Copy Templates. Just use these “plug & play” templates, and generate killer closing copy in ten minutes (or less).
Writing copy for a Product Launch is a whole different ball game from normal Copywriting. A “Jeff Walker, PLF®-style launch” is complex. The #1 place people get “stuck” in the process is “writing that pesky sales letter.” I have helped “rescue” many a launch that couldn’t seem to get off the ground. I’ve worked as the lead copywriter on many multi-million dollar launches. I’ve even worked with Jeff Walker himself on launches. Now I’m giving you my best Launch Copy practices, protocols, and tricks. In this session, you’ll receive:
- The Beginners Guide to Product Launches. If you’ve no idea what makes a Product Launch tick, or if you’ve never looked “under the hood” of a true PLF®-style Launch, I’m giving you the guided tour.
- Why Launches have not made copy obsolete –on the contrary, launches require more copy than almost any other kind of campaign.
- My simple Product Launch Genius Map™ of all the copy you need for your product launch.
- The 12 Vital Components of Product Launch Copywriting.
The advent of video marketing online put fear into many copywriters. The fear was that videos would do the selling, and copy would no longer be needed. Looking back, it’s clear this was a ridiculous idea. Video’s, Livecasts, and Webinars all require more and better copy… not worse and less copy. In this session you’re going to discover…
- Why you must be able to write Video Sales Copy, and how getting good at this will give you an enormous advantage. (This will only be true for a brief window in time, as the market adapts.)
- How to write incredibly persuasive Video Sales Copy. What’s different about video copy? Plenty, I’ll break down the 9 Nuances that all great video copy contains, and how to make sure your copy contains them.
- The Perfect Pitch™ – a proven framework for writing a “sales pitch” for video that is incredibly effective. There are differences between your written sales letter and your video sales letter (VSL)… and failing to recognize these differences can spell disaster for your marketing and sales efforts.
- The Video Templates: I supply you with my own tested templates to help you craft your VSL, Webinar, or Live Stream.
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