My personal opinion: One of the best article writing programs on earth (Biztguy agrees)
How to stop knocking on client’s doors, and get them to call you instead!
(Learn why articles do a far superior job of attracting the clients you want–and how the right articles make you the expert in your field)
Knocking on a client’s door is the hardest way to get business – yet we do it all the time
In order to get the client’s attention, we send out sales letters; we make presentations; we do everything we can to try and sell to clients.
The more we try to sell, the higher the client’s hackles go up. The more we try to convince; to persuade, the more the client starts avoiding you. Or at the very least, they put off buying from you till much later.
So why do clients put off the purchase?
There are two big reasons. The first reason, is that they don’t want to buy at the exact moment that you want to sell. So even if you’ve just made this wonderful presentation of your product or service, there’s a close to zero-response on the client’s part. And that’s just because they’re not ready to buy right away.
The second reason is that the client doesn’t really recognise you as an expert. All they can see is someone who’s trying to sell something to them. To them you’re just another ‘sales pitch’ coming through the front door.
What you really need is a side-door entry!
Why articles help you sneak in the side door
Articles help you get the client’s attention, because articles rarely if ever, try to sell. Articles educate. They give the client the various angles to a concept. And in doing so, clients don’t put up a wall.
The more you inform a client about a topic, the more they’re interested in getting in touch with you. And not only do they get in touch with you– but they also choose you (instead of your competition).
Well-written articles are not only vital for your website and newsletter, but can earn you revenue, as well as free publicity. Articles published in offline magazines, can drive hundreds of readers to your business.
And yes, if you write really well, you are actually given a column in a magazine or newspaper or online portal. The above are just some of the magazines that I’ve written for. And the articles were published in sales, training, marketing, business as well as alpaca magazines smilie And this is a small representation of places where our articles have been published.
But hey, the competition can write articles too, right?
Right. They can, and they will. But there’s a difference. And that difference lies in the ability to not only attract the client to what you’re writing, but to keep the client reading from the start to finish. And then to actually look forward to reading more than ever before. Now you’ve stopped becoming the ‘salesperson they want to avoid’, and have become the educator and entertainer.
Entertainer? What’s entertainment got to do with article writing?
Everything. Drama is what causes customers to keep reading your words. Think of a movie being rolled out in a word format. Or a series like ‘Desperate Housewives,’ or ’24’.
Each of your articles not only need to educate, but need to take the client on a rollercoaster ride. The biggest mistake most article writers make (actually most amateur writers) is that they believe in just writing words. Words don’t create stickiness. Drama does.
“There are only a handful of newsletters I bother to check!”
“I’ve signed up for so many newsletters. I’m busy—painfully busy– so I’m stingy with my time.
There are only a handful of newsletters I bother to check. Sean D’Souza’s is one of those. Sean’s gift to his readers is the way he weaves valuable lessons into the fabric of entertaining articles.”
jeff eisenberg
Jeff Eisenberg
Co-author of the #1 best-selling Wall Street Journal, New York Times, USA Today and Business Week best sellers: “Waiting For Your Cat to Bark?” and “Call to Action”
New York, USA
Presenting: The Article Writing Home Study Course
Do you stare at a blank screen every time you have to write something? Does it drive you crazy and then you just give up in frustration?
Do you figure you’re never ever going to write an article? If so, then this course is just for you. You’ll learn how article writing, or writing for that matter, is a simple science. It’s a paint- by-dot system.
By the time you finish the course, you’ll have not only learned how to write an article, but have written one yourself plus have generated two or three future articles. And as we’ve seen before, you’ll not only be able to write articles, but write articles that keep your customer riveted to your writing.
But there’s always the fear…
What if you’re not a good writer?
What if you’ve tried to write before, and gotten so-so results?
What if you have other issues like dyslexia?
Could you still learn to write captivating articles?
Well, let’s see what Debbie and Andy have to say:
” I have dyslexia and Irlen syndrome, which is why I have so much difficulty reading.
Words on a page look like a waterfall to me– a fuzzy one at that. So I could not see how an article course was going to help me write.”
Our business was just starting to grow, when we hit an almighty hurdle. We realized that to grow the business further we were going to have to write articles.
Andy did not have the time to do this and, saying he has no imagination at all, it fell to me (Debbie).
Horror is the only way I can explain how I felt at having to write articles, as I had avoided reading and writing all my life. At the time of the Article Writing Course I had never (and I mean never) read any story books, not even at school (I managed to fake it at school by watching movies etc.).
Reading and writing to me was the worse nightmare ever
We came to realize I have dyslexia and Irlen syndrome, which is why I have so much difficulty reading. Words on a page look like a waterfall to me– a fuzzy one at that.
So being dropped in at the deep end on this course was a huge thing for me – the hurdle I faced felt about 20 feet high. And I could not see how an article course was going to help me write.
How wrong can you be?
The course was interesting, and laid out in simple steps on how to write. At first I could not do it, or so I thought. With Sean’s help, I kept plugging away. At times I felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall.
With persistence (and the help of a Dictaphone), out of nowhere the hurdle that was 20 feet high started to lower. And before I knew it, I was writing articles and rewriting everything Andy had written previously.
The best thing of all was that I was beginning to enjoy it.
We implemented the course in several ways.
I now have articles published in magazines. I have rewritten our website and adverts, and I’ve written the intro to our technical book that’s currently being worked on by Andy.
I also use all of the course teachings in every aspect of our lives now. Now I can take a boring technical subject (we write articles about ignitions for classic bikes), and turn it into something that everyone can understand and enjoy–which helps educate our customers better.
My confidence in my ability has grown
And I am now communicating with people better than ever. You do not realize how much not being able to write rules your life (it stops you doing things, and holds you back).
I also now read story books, and study the writing styles. Something I never thought I would be able to do (and enjoy). After this course I am now unstoppable. Nothing is too hard, and I am seeing the world with different eyes.
For people who say they cannot write, I would say to them: everybody can (no matter what you think). You just have to find the right teacher, and luckily we found Sean. And you must trust that you can do anything you put your mind to, because if I can do it, then you can too.
The Article Writing Course is unique in many ways
It’s not about writing per se, it’s about the structure of writing, the rules and the whys and wherefores, which to me was a godsend. It made sense, and with a bit of practice is now easy to do.
I still have trouble with my spelling, but have a wonderful husband Andy, who corrects for me.
My hurdle at the start was 20 feet high.
It’s now non-existent, and I have Sean and the Article Writing Course to thank for that.
Thank you, Sean.
Debbie & Andy Perkins
Pazon Ignitions
New Zealand (Previously UK-Based)
This article writing course is designed to do the following:
article writing speed
1) Enable you to write faster than ever before.
2) Reduce the frustration of never getting past the first line.
3) Create content that is so captivating that customers consider you the expert.
We use a simple system to achieve the above
1) Deconstruction
2) Reconstruction
In deconstruction, you’ll take apart articles and other forms of copy. You’ll see why the best writers in the world, became who they are, and what systems they used to persuade their audiences.
In construction, you’ll learn exactly what strategies and tactics you need to create text that moves people to action. Anyone can write an article. What we are looking to create is speed, drama as well as expertise within the article.
And I’ll be there with you to guide and teach you, and more importantly to show you exactly what you need to fix, so that your articles improves instantly.
But learning isn’t purely about ‘getting information’
We’ve all got information before. And it’s not helped us that much. This is because we all learn differently, but not exclusively. So what does that mean? That means we have a bias towards a form of learning. We may either like to listen to audio, or read words in a transcript/notes. Or we may be better off in a discussion of sorts.
And the article-writing course brings all of the learning systems together.
You get:
1) Notes + Transcripts –again rich in detail and easy to understand.
2) Audio files–rich in detail. And professionally created.
3) A Forum for continuing conversation.(Not available with HomeStudy)
But even that’s not enough to learn effectively…
The truth is that most of us don’t even realise there are other snapshot methods out there, that enable us to learn more productively. Methods such as:
1) Mindmaps
2) Cartoons and Graphics
3) Checklists
4) Video
5) E-Mail (Not available with HomeStudy)
Plus you get detailed instructions on how to use these media files.
1) All notes are in easy-to-read PDF format.
2) All audio is not only professionally created, but each audio is tagged, making it very easy to find in your mp3 player. Each audio is like a professionally created music file downloaded from iTunes.
3) Mindmaps are in a Mindjet format and you get the FREE Mindjet Reader.
4) Cartoons and graphics are in jpg format (If you can see the graphics on this page, you can see the graphics on the course).
5) Checklist are in a Word Format, so you can print them out and use them over and over again.
6) Videos are short, instead of long drawn blah-blah discourses.
It’s not about the info-dump. It’s about the applying what you learn…
And at Psychotactics, we make it fun to learn. Instead of simply drumming you with truckloads of data, you get to learn in the way we all learn best–by having fun.
When we’re comfortable, we learn well. This makes you comfortable and focuses on the learning, instead of fighting for ‘air-space’.
And then there are the applications
What you learn on this course isn’t restricted to article-writing. Because the concepts are built on drama, and flow, and other media concepts, they end up helping you in your speaking, networking, making presentations, sales etc. This course shows you what you’ve been missing from your communication, and how to spot the missing pieces–and then insert them into future communication.
But what if you’re already good at writing?
“I always thought I was quite good at writing articles.”
Anyway, I decided to implement everything I learnt. At the end of the day you can’t argue with the figures – the Psychotactics methodology works.”
The open rate for my newsletter was at best average, and as I said, I always thought I was quite good at writing articles.
Then after going to the Psychotactics articles workshop, I decided to implement everything I learnt about structure and content — just to see what would happen.
Since the newsletter went out I have monitoring visits to my web site and new subscribers. All of a sudden my daily average number of visits and new subscribers have shot up.
I have done nothing else other than the newsletter to generate this increase.
To add to that, I now find it much easier to and quicker to write. At the end of the day you can’t argue with the figures – the Psychotactics methodology works.
Approachable lawyer Aucland
Michael J Smyth
Approachable Lawyer
Auckland, New Zealand
A Tiny Insight Into What You’ll Learn
* The three main systems of writing. And how to pick a system that is suited to your own individual personality. This means you can be who you are, instead of simply copying someone else.
* Spotting an instant disaster before you write the article. You’ll learn how to spot if an article is useless, simply by analysing parameters in your headline. This alone saves you hours of frustration and toil of going round in circles.
* Why headline-writing is critical. Most articles are read, or deleted solely on the basis of a headline. If your reader doesn’t get attracted by your headline, the rest of the article is almost never read–leading to a massive waste of time on your part. (This applies to both online as well as offline articles, by the way).
* How to get the reader to slip-slide (yes, there’s no better word) right from the headline to the first fifty words. And what to put in those first fifty that captivates the reader, and almost compels them to read the entire article.
* How to then take the reader past the first fifty words. The secrets to connecting thoughts, and disconnecting thoughts. And how connectors and disconnectors, when used with structure in mind, create intense drama and flow.
* How to create a grid that speeds up your article writing by 50% or more. The grid also enables to you to construct an article that suits both the reader who reads every word, as well as the reader who scans.
* How to never run out of ideas. You’ll have so many ideas, that you’ll realise that writer’s block is really a myth.
* Learn why ‘creating a wall’ or ‘disturbance’ in an article is critical to keep the reader’s attention, and why it so appeals to human nature. Most mediocre articles avoid the ‘wall’, thus creating a boring, tepid style of writing.
* How to literally outline half a dozen (or more) articles in less than an hour, sitting at the cafe.
* How to mesh articles with selling products/services. Just writing an article will not get your customers to respond. You need to actually guide the customer to buy the product or service. How do you do move from editorial to sales seamlessly?
* The secrets of formatting an article. Formatting is the visual aspect of your article. Most people look at a page, before they read a word. In an instant, your ‘lack of formatting’ can lose the reader.
* Learn which article headlines work better–and why. Why: That’s what you want to learn. Why does this headline supercede that headline? The key isn’t in copying blindly, but having a deep understanding of human psychology (It’s easier than you think).
* Understanding what makes an article boring–and how to avoid that scenario like the plague. It’s not enough to know what makes an article exciting. There are factors that make an article boring too. What are those factors?.
* The Secret of writing angles to a story–and how you can write on one topic over and over again–without losing audience interest. This saves you enormous time and effort. Imagine having one topic and being able to generate ten, twenty, even a hundred angles. And yet the audience is clamouring for even more angles to that topic.
* How to use structure to build up momentum. Without structure you’re simply writing without parameters. Every time I write randomly, I waste more time than ever, and end up with a half-baked article that can’t be used. The structure is what will enable you to avoid making the mistakes I made at the start–and write faster than ever before.
* How to leverage articles into books, reports and other forms of revenue and customer-generation.
What makes this Article Writing Course different?
“The difference between this course, is simply ‘the structure+drama”. Structure enables you to see what’s right with an article. And what’s wrong. And this structure enables you to write, and then audit at a a pace faster than every before.
Drama enables you to get and keep the attention of the reader from start to finish. Something that most articles just fail miserably to do. Drama is everything. Learning how to mix drama with structure is what makes this course different from anything else.
The learning system that’s used to train you, is the system of ‘learn, implement, fix. This enables you to learn-by-doing, instead of simply listening to a whole lot of blah, blah. You can learn, practice and fix your mistakes.
And what makes me qualified to teach you?
For one I know how it feels to deal with a blank page. When I started, I had what was called the ‘article graveyard’. I’d write half an article. Then I’d stop. Then I’d start off with another another. Soon I had a graveyard of articles. (Aarrrrrrrrrgh!)
But that’s not all. I was also taking a whole two days to write one article. So in order to just write 12 articles a year, I was taking close to a month!!!
Well, now I write 300 articles a year…
So going from all that struggle, I found a way to write faster and with more effect than ever before. And today, our articles are not just for Psychotactics subscribers.
They are published in magazines both online and offline. They help run a membership site at 5000bc. And they form the basis for books, products etc. (What is a book or product but a series of articles in a chapter format? What is a video but a series of articles in a set of frames? What is a teleclass but an article being spoken out?)
Important: Reason Why You Shouldn’t Delay
Sean D’Souza
Warm regards,
Sean D’Souza
P.S. If you need this course, and are hesitating, just remember that he or she who hesitates is lost. The law of nature is simple: Sow and you shall reap. You have to be prepared to sacrifice today, for even greater gain tomorrow. Like you, even I struggled from month to month. Now the copy I write, brings me tens of thousands of dollars each month. I too was scared and still am, when I have to make a big decision. But I know from experience, that if I don’t make the sacrifice earlier, I never get ahead in life. If you want to get ahead in life, this is your moment. Don’t hesitate.
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