“The Time Has Come To Awaken The Dimension Of Advanced Intelligence That Has Been Residing Dormant Within You, So You Can Gain The Clarity And Awareness That Comes With Opening The Third Eye!”
“World’s Most Accomplished Hypnotist Formulates An Empowering System Designed To Equip Anyone With The Innate Ability To Open The Third Eye Effortlessly And With Ease And Confidence!”
“Are You Ready To Take The First Step Into The Metaphysical World Where You Now Experience All That Exists Beyond The Third Dimension?”
Dear Friend,
My guess is you’ve probably heard of the notion of opening the third eye and that’s why you’ve arrived at this website.
But Just In Case You Got Here By Accident…
Let Me Tell You Why The Privileged Information Found Here Is Something That No Person On The Planet Should Pass Up The Opportunity To Discover…
My name is Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, and for more than 25 years, I have been helping people create positive and lasting change within their lives through the power of hypnotic influence.
The mind has always been something that fascinates me. Ever since I was a young boy, I had an almost obsession-like interest in the human mind and how it affects every other aspect of one’s body including decisions, thoughts, organ functions and even our chemical makeup.
The idea that one single thing is controlling everything else led me to want to learn everything I could about enhancing it’s capability, as doing so would positively affect everything else.
I guess I could have pursued a career in the medical field, but there was an element missing and as a result, that path would have quite simply left me bored to death.
For me, the metaphysical aspect of the body is where my true interest and fascination lies.
As a teenager, while most kids were involved in sports or going to parties, I was exploring things like astrology, reading auras, astral projection and things of that nature.
And I guess the reason why is because of all the mysticism behind the metaphysical.
People from all over the world have experienced metaphysical effects, but many of those same people still doubt much of it.
You see, the metaphysical world can be an abstract concept if you don’t know how to navigate within it.
And when people don’t believe in the principles of the metaphysical world to begin with, it’s almost impossible for them to use it to their advantage because they don’t believe there is an advantage to gain.
And the result is that they experience life in the third dimension forever trapped in the confines of their gated reality because they never take the first step.
When It Comes To Experiencing The Benefits And Advantages That Exist Within The Metaphysical World, Opening The Third Eye Is The First Step…
The two eyes that each person has exist in the physical world, thereby allowing you to see all that exists in the physical world.
But each of us also have a third eye, which is a metaphysical organ that enables us to see things in the metaphysical world.
And opening it, can be easier said than done.
Introducing “Third Eye Help”
Here’s a snapshot of what this extraordinary Four Module Learning System consists of:
Learn how I first discovered spirituality and opening the third eye
Expanding Your Being – Here you will discover things within you that you may have never seen and how you utilize to your advantage.
Manifesting Response – Here I will show you how to strive for a spiritual experience to help you realize a physical response.
Visualization With Ease – Learn to visualize without forcing the experience.
Shielding Mastery – Here I’ll show you everything you need to know about protecting yourself psychically.
Phase One Opening – Here you’ll discover the first technique essential to opening the third eye.
Creating The Universal Connection – Discover the secret behind connecting the third eye to other areas of your body
Third Eye Body Essentials – Here you’ll learn to identify and explore three key areas of the body that accelerate the opening process.
The Hidden Power – Here you’ll learn about a unique power that all beings have and the role it will play in opening the third eye.
Energy Enhancing Techniques – Here I’ll show you my personal exercises that will help raise the energy within.
Phase Two Opening – Here I’ll share the second essential technique to bringing the third eye experience to reality.
Third Eye Awareness – Here you’ll discover how to increase the awareness of your third eye and why doing so, will magnify the entire experience.
Phase Three Opening – Here we’ll move on to the next set of techniques designed to transition the experience from phase two.
Third Eye Perception – Learn how to observe perceptions from your third eye so you can now see what you cannot with your physical eyes.
Etheric Communication – Learn exactly what you need to do in order to communicate with your etheric body.
The Astral Experience – Discover the methods I have been teaching to people for years on creating a vibratory and astral experience.
Advanced Techniques – Here you’ll be exposed and guided through an advanced set of exercises that will enable you to tune in whenever you choose.
Tuning In – Learn how to tune into your third eye at will and with ease.
The Vortex – Here you’ll learn everything about the vital role of focused areas of energy called vortices.
Hi there, For this one could I have a Google Drive or Mega download link pls? Thanks in advance.
Hi mkgrimmimw,
Links fixed.