Let me show you the exact, proven blueprint I used to transform my failing business into a money-generating machine that only requires 2 hours of my attention per week!
If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will benefit from what I am about to share with you, because I was just like you not too many years ago. But, due to what seemed like sheer dumb-luck at the time, I discovered a way to turn it all around.
On December 1, 1984, at the age of thirty-five, I bought Girl Friday Telephone Answering Service, an ailing telecom business in my hometown of Bend, Oregon. The total purchase price was $21,000; the down payment, $5,000, which I borrowed. There were seven employees, 140 small clients ($40 per month each), and 400 square feet of office space.
I changed the name to Centratel to reflect the changing times and then set out to blaze new trails as any new business owner does. But it didn’t happen.
Despite growing volume, our profits weren’t increasing. The business was a disorganized nightmare, always on the brink of disaster, and my personal life, what there was of it, devolved into shambles. Within a year, I went through a divorce and then proceeded to do my best to bring up my two children as a single, custodial parent. Things were bad.
For a decade and a half, I endured moment-to-moment turmoil, working long, long hours—often in excess of a hundred hours a week—always just scratching by financially.
I got sick from the pressure, but powered on anyway. The only thing that would stop me would be if I dropped over unconscious from stress and sheer fatigue (and after fifteen years of relentless pressure, this became more than a possibility).
If things were so bad, why didn’t I just throw in the towel and get a regular job? Frankly, I was terrified of rejoining the workforce as someone else’s employee. The thought of having a traditional job sent shivers down my spine. After all those years of being on my own, working for someone else would be a nightmare for me and for my employer. I rationalized, if I am in Hell, at least it’s my Hell.
One night around 3:00 a.m… I found myself awake yet again, exhausted, with an unfunded payroll less than a week away, when suddenly I stopped thinking about work details, business philosophies, elaborate theories, or some last-minute divine intervention.
Without coaxing, and for no apparent reason, two simple, pragmatic questions charged out of the blackness: What have I been doing wrong all these years? And, since the end IS coming, what is there to lose if I abandon past assumptions and look at things from a completely different angle?
All I did was kill fires, unaware that they were the products of unseen, dysfunctional systems. These systems had lives of their own and were acting out their 1-2-3 sequences without direction, producing results that were unpredictable at the least, and debilitating at the worst.
My business was out of control because I had been coping with the random results of unmanaged systems. My life was chaos – not because I was some kind of loser or unfortunate victim of circumstance, but because most of the systems of my life were not being managed. Out of control, these inefficient secondary systems composed the dysfunctional primary systems of my life: business, health, and relationships.
But now I had the solution. I would disassemble Centratel, fix the pieces one by one, and put them back together again. If I did that, it seemed sensible that the finished product would be superior.
Marching ahead without pause, we quickly began to see results as confusion diminished and cash flow came under control. In the first six months, my work week dropped from a hundred hours to sixty. Then, in the next six months, it fell below forty. In the next two-year period, our client base grew from three hundred to seven hundred as my work hours still progressed downward.
It took a long time to straighten things out, five long years actually. But as I look back, that’s understandable because we were figuring out the details of the Work the System methodology from scratch. We invested (and sometimes inadvertently wasted) time and money as we experimented with new concepts, tried to find the right management people, and stumbled with the system documentation.
Despite the setbacks and the additional workload, my physical involvement with the company’s daily operations continued to decline. Today, I spend just a couple of hours a week working on Centratel business. One of those hours is for our weekly staff meeting and the other is for paying bills and attending to various R&D efforts.
If we were to do this again without having to develop the process from scratch, it would take fewer than eighteen months to reach the lifestyle and income I now enjoy.
But, don’t just take my word for it. The following business owners used this same methodology to engineer their success…
Imagine if your business could become a well-oiled machine that consistently produces happy, paying customers, generates no chaos, and doesn’t require your constant presence and attention!
I managed to find a methodology that gets down to the core fundamentals of any business.
The solution is universal and indisputable, and just like the law of gravity, it works everywhere, in the same way, all the time!
The best part of the Work the System Method is that it makes gut-sense. No esoteric theory. No blind faith propositions. Just simple, mechanical steps that you can take to quickly turn things around.
Why should you listen to me?
Well, it’s NOT because of my pedigree. I’m just an average Joe. And it’s NOT because of my long list of degrees. I have an AA degree in forestry. And it’s NOT because I have everything figured out. I don’t!
Needless to say, I’ve taken the long road to freedom and wealth, but I got there! Today my income is comfortably in the top 1%, and yet I only work about 2 hours each week.
You know what I learned along the way?
Nobody likes working like a dog and getting paid peanuts! Most business owners live off the respect they get from the community because of their business card, and not because of their income.
Simply put, you should listen to me because I have developed a proven method that will take you from Underpaid and Overworked to Overpaid and Underworked! I did it myself. This is not theory. It’s fact. AND it will work for you –I guarantee it!
The system works if you Work the System
Since the first edition of my book, Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less published in 2008, I have heard from literally thousands of business owners around the world who have used these methods to their own benefit.
The freedom my business now gives me has allowed me to discover a new passion along the way: helping business owners escape the chaos that keeps them trapped in long hours, and little pay. I now spend considerably more of my time helping other business owners than I do working in my own business.
The more my team has reached out to entrepreneurs, the more we encounter a common problem. It’s much easier to agree that this system works than it is to get started working it! .
Scores of people contacted me to say, “Sam, we get it – but can you help us get started?”
The Academy picks up where the book left off
Remember when you first learned to ride a bike? I bet there was somebody (for me, it was my dad) holding onto the back of the seat, balancing the bike for you until you got the hang of it. Right? You weren’t aware of it, but with each successive attempt, your teacher would loosen the grip just a bit more until, BOOM! There you were, riding all by yourself.
Well, that’s the Work the System Academy. I am going to hold the bike steady while you learn to ride. Until now, my personal guidance was only available through our high-end consulting. But through the Academy, you will have me as your personal guide, taking you from overworked, stressed, and underpaid, to freedom, peace of mind, and making more money in only about 90 days.
The Work The System Methodology is the closest thing there has ever been to an “easy button” for entrepreneurs.
These are the documents that will guide you to your destination of working less and making more! They seem simple enough, right? Creating these three documents is easy, but creating them in the way that they radically transform your business takes skill and insight, and that’s exactly what I’m going to give you through the academy.
As a participant in the Work The System Academy, you will be getting help from me, the architect of this methodology, and it will skyrocket your chances of success!
With my guidance, I will share the nuanced details of the methodology and show you how to create the core documents that WILL turn your business into a money-generating machine that gives you all the freedom you desire.
First you work your systems.
Then your systems do the work.
Ok, so how does the Work The System Academy help me get this done?
In the Academy I will go into detail to help you…
- Discover the mindset that ALL successful entrepreneurs have, and then I’ll show you how to quickly develop the exact same mindset. You will discover the secret to viewing your business and life from an outside-and-slightly-elevated, system-improvement perspective – this is critical.
- Pinpoint and describe specific goals for your business, job, and life. And then define the methods you will use to achieve those goals. This is the process we will use to craft a powerful Strategic Objective. Not just any Strategic Objective, but one that makes you money.
- Create your personal collection of General Operating Principles. These Operating Principles are far more than just mere words on paper. I will teach you how to design them to control decision making. Yes, decision making that does NOT require your input.
- Define which of your specific systems are in need of improvement, and which should be discarded. Not only will I help you identify which systems need improvement, but I’ll also show you the specific steps you need to take to permanently improve them for maximum results.
- Dissect each system into its most fundamental components. For your business or your job, describe each system on paper in a 1-2- 3-step format. You can do all the right things, but if you’re doing them in the wrong order, you might as well not even do them. I’ll show you the quick and simple method for getting each of your systems documented.
- Improve the efficiency of the component steps, one system at a time, leaning hard toward stark simplicity. What good are systems if they are so complex that no one can follow them? I will show you how to change sequences and add or delete steps as necessary, so that we make each of your systems perfect.
- Document each system into a Working Procedure in order to ensure the continuity of your systems for your business. I’ll reveal how to create Working Procedures that are “off the street” ready. You want perfect systems executing 100% of the time.
- Put the new Working Procedures into play and tend to them on a regular basis, inspecting and tweaking as necessary.
- Tie your three core documents (Strategic Objective, Operating Principles, & Working Procedures) into one cohesive system that puts your business in a position for rapid scale expansion. You have created your very own “easy button” for business growth!
Here’s how it works…
Once you are an exclusive member of the Work The System Academy, you will gain instant – lifetime – access to the Academy Training Portal. Here you will receive the following:
- 19 videos – outlining in unprecedented detail – the steps necessary to implement the Work The System Methodology.
- A written transcript of each video lesson.
- A training guide for each lesson to ensure you get maximum results from each session.
- 19 “Do It Now” worksheets – one for each lesson. These worksheets will give you quick action exercises to ensure you’re on the right path.
- 8 – never released – sample documents from which you can model your Core Documents. Only our high-end consulting clients have been given access to these in the past.
- Our Powerful Procedure Identification Guide
- Unlimited Email Support (for 90 days)
- One page Working Procedure Brainstorm sheet to give you a quick jumpstart
- WTSA Fast Progress Reference Guide
- Business Documentation: Strategic Objective Template and Samples
- Business Documentation: Operating Principles Samples
- Business Documentation: Working Procedures Samples
- Personal Documentation: Personal Strategic Objective Template
- Personal Documentation: Personal Working Procedure Brainstorm Sheet
- One page Progress Checker to ensure you’re on the right track
We have included every possible tool you’ll need to make this life-altering change in your business.
It is best if you start at the beginning and work systematically through the lessons and assignments, but you have free reign inside the member’s area. Most business owners can complete the Academy training within 60-90 days…and you get it for life!
Imagine what your life would be like if your business was under control, you were making good money, and you didn’t have to be present at your business every minute of every day.
The whole reason we went to such considerable trouble and expense ($200,000 over three years) to develop this training is because we want you to succeed! We want you to get out of the chaos, seize control, and get your life back!
For business or personal life, it’s not mysterious bad luck that takes people down; it’s serial inefficiency. The great news is that inefficiency is easy to correct if one can see the cause of it!
Stop looking for a sudden hand-of-God solution to problems. Drop the idea that life is convoluted and mysterious, strip away the complexity, and get to work repairing the underlying inefficient mechanisms one by one!
Most people don’t fail by making overt mistakes.
They fail because they don’t take action.
But if you do take action, think about what this can do for your income AND your peace of mind. Imagine waking up well rested and confident in knowing that your business will continue to operate smoothly with the systems you have put in place.
Let’s get busy fixing your business!
Every video lesson comes complete with a transcript, lesson guide and a “Do-It-Now” worksheet.
Honestly, a lot less than it should. We regularly charge in excess of $100,000.00 to personally bring businesses through the exact same methodology that we’ve laid out in the Academy.
Why are companies willing to pay us so much for helping them implement the Work The System Methodology? The reason is simple…when this methodology is properly implemented it WILL result in less stress, less chaos, AND more money, plus more freedom.
And now with the Work The System Academy, you can have me guide you through implementing this powerful methodology into your business for only $199.00.
The time to act is right now.
Sales Page: http://www.workthesystemacademy.com/
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