“Let Me Escort You Behind the Scenes And Reveal One of the Most Effective White Hat and Black Hat Traffic Techniques Known.”
Breaking the rules is unfair only to the person who made them
– Richard Marcinko
Former Commander, Seal Team Six
Author, Leadership Secrets of the Rogue Warrior
What is cloaking? Cloaking is a way to filter your traffic
Cloaking is about traffic, not seo. Cloaking lets your redirect your Japan visitors and US visitors to different places. Cloaking can help tell you when bots and spiders are coming to your pages even when they don’t identify themselves in the normal ways.
Cloaking isn’t magic and it isn’t some get rich quick thing. The people and companies that use cloaking are already good at marketing and for one reason or another want (or think they need) an extra tool in the toolbox to make them stronger.
If you have questions, the best thing to do is to open a support ticket and ask. Long sales letters and videos have never really worked here. Here’s the link to use to open a ticket: (By the way, the “wp” in the title is a misnomer – the script works with WordPress and non-Wordpress sites. So that’s one question you don’t need to ask, lol.)
— Dave
p.s Let’s face it, wpCloaker may not be for you. You may not ready to cloak or you may be opposed to cloaking and redirecting. That’s ok. Like I said, cloaking is a tool, not a miracle, and you need to determine what the right tools are for you.
p.p.s. Cloaking is always risky. Scripts like wpCloaker help you manage the risk but can never truly eliminate it. wpCloaker is not a magic pill or secret to riches. It is a precision tool used in the past by large corporations and saavy marketers to get a leg up on the competition and market aggressively. wpCloaker is a sharp instrument and you can “get cut” using it. Know this going in. For all the power of cloaking you still have the risk of being detected at some point. It’s a war between the marketer and the ad networks / search engines — a constant back and forth. We do automated and manual traffic analysis continually. We are always finding new fingerprints and new shadow bots… but again, nothing is perfect.
Sales Page: http://wpcloaker.com/
Download Files Size: 7.7MB
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