Market Motive ā€“ Email Marketing Practitioner – Value $299

Email marketing has the power to nurture relationships with prospects and loyal customers at all stages of the buying cycle. In this course, Matt Bailey walks through proven strategies for creating an email program. From building lists, to crafting emails, to avoiding spam filters, and all the way to generating conversions and sales, learn to build an email marketing program that moves prospects toward a purchase and keeps loyal customers coming back.

Marketing Impact Academy – Chalene Johnson ā€“ Value $367

So many people who take their business online donā€™t know where to start, and they end up doing the wrong things in the wrong order. In Marketing Impact Academy, I make it an easy step-by-step process.

We focus on following the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT order. This way you can create a system that attracts more people to you in social media, build a solid relationship, and convert those followers into lifelong customersā€¦ all without being a slave to your computer!

MarketMotive – Conversion (CRO) Certification Course – Value $1995

The goal of this Conversion Optimization Practitioner training program is to educate and train users wishing to become practitioners in the online marketing discipline of Conversion Optimization. Each Certification Course is made up of multiple modules with streaming video lessons; multiple workbooks with recommended exercises; online progress quizzes to test your knowledge; and a final online test to earn your Certification.