Everything You Need to Make a Killer App: Your one-stop guide to making an app and doing it successfully (How To Make and Market an App) [Kindle Edition] – Value $7.99

A complete guide to developing your own app and everything that you need to consider. Covering business planning and development, outsourcing, app store submissions, costs and much, much more. This comprehensive guide is the perfect companion for every wannabe appreneur and coupled with The Essential App Marketing Kit also from Codenutz tells you everything you could ever need to know when it comes to app development,

Erin Balsa – The Research Report Playbook

Over the past three years, I’ve helped B2B SaaS clients drive MILLIONS of dollars in revenue by creating the kind of research reports people actually want to read and share. Like the 2020 Remote Work Report, which has driven $680k in revenue (so far). Now I’m packing EVERYTHING I know about research report creation and distribution into a course that includes my plug-and-play TEMPLATE.

Eric Ellis – Emails For Profits – Value $997

What you get TODAY . . .
 5 Modules with 40+ Video Lessons so you can start a profitable affiliate marketing business from scratch. ($1,997 Value)
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