Marketing Impact Academy – Chalene Johnson – Value $367

So many people who take their business online don’t know where to start, and they end up doing the wrong things in the wrong order. In Marketing Impact Academy, I make it an easy step-by-step process.

We focus on following the RIGHT steps in the RIGHT order. This way you can create a system that attracts more people to you in social media, build a solid relationship, and convert those followers into lifelong customers… all without being a slave to your computer!

Big Damn Hot Seat Workshop – John Carlton – Value $697

This is the hot seat workshop seminar that John did in in Reno Nevada 2007. It a small intimate group of some pretty well known names and some unknowns. The names you know are.

* John Carlton of course
* Dean Jackson – This guy pops up everywhere.
* Harlen Kilstein – Copywriter
* David Deutsch – BoardRoom Copywriter
* Lauri Morgan Ferrero – Red Hot Copy

Online Business Superhero Summit 2015 – Value $297

Reserve the Superhero Pack and you’ll receive complete Summit recordings of these TEN brand new, hyper-practical & valuable training sessions to help you massively grow your business. This material is valued at $10,000+ and you’ll receive the exact same “hush hush” strategies that others paid THOUSANDS for that are quietly generating thousands of clients & millions in revenues.