Simon Black Sovereign Man Offshore Kit Complete + Bonuses – Value $795

We will record the full event with all the expert speakers, and by reserving your copy of the Offshore Tactics Workshop: Insider Kit you will get access to all of the video recordings as soon as they become available.
Unlike most ‘offshore conferences’ which feature the same handful of guys who travel professionally on the speaking circuit giving the same speech over and over again, Simon is reaching deep into his rolodex, calling out his most valuable contacts and flying them in from all over the world. These are DOERS, not TALKERS.

Shonda Rhimes – Teaches Writing for Television

Make Great Television
When Shonda Rhimes pitched Grey’s Anatomy she got so nervous she had to start over. Twice. Since then, she has created and produced TV’s biggest hits. In her class, Shonda teaches you how to create compelling characters, write a pilot, pitch your idea, and stand out in the writers’ room. You’ll also get original pilot scripts, pitch notes, and series bibles from her shows. Welcome to Shondaland.