Russell Brunson – Funnel Hacking Live Notes 2019 – $37

Couldn’t make it to Funnel Hacking LIVE 2019? Learn the secrets as if you were there…
Over 120 Pages of the Biggest, Juiciest Funnel Secrets That Will Help Create 200+ “Two Comma Club” Members This Year
Russell Brunson invited our team to act as the “official” note-takers for FHL 2019—for the fifth year in a row—to help YOU become one of his next “Two Comma Club” Members…

Russell Brunson – Lead Funnels

This Bare-Bones 2-Page Funnel
Generated Over 185,372 Leads For Us… 
…And How YOU Can ‘Swipe’ It To Attract  Unlimited Leads For YOUR Business!
I’ve scoured the internet, and found 106 of my FAVORITE high-performing lead generation funnels, across all niches…
…and combined ALL the examples into ONE giant “Lead Funnels Swipe File” book!
This is Your Own Personal Swipe File Of 106 Lead Funnels To Pull Ideas From For Your Next Lead Funnel!

Ryan Deiss – Authority ROI

If you want to be among those who make their living online you need to stand out. No longer is the “Blogger” attracting traffic or sales. The rules have changed and as Ryan puts it “Blogging is Broken” To survive today you can’t be a Blogger BUT you CAN be an Authority!! Good news is being a recognized authority in your niche gets a type of respect that translates into sales, more subscribers, and a better bottom line (up to 8 times more profitable than the current style of blogging being taught by others)
Inside the members area there are 6 core modules plus the other stuff.

Ryan Lee – Hosting Summit – Value $99

I always get asked the question, “If you had to start over with no money, connections or resources, what would you do?”. The answer is simple. I’d host online summits and events. It’s the easiest, proven way to build a massive list, generate good will, become super-connected, build a lifestyle business (**that’s a pic of my “home office”) AND a have a BIG payday at the same time)

Ryan Lee – The Ultimate Starter Pack Video Interviews

Ryan Lee’s last job was as a gym teacher – and he now runs an 8-figure business (all from Starbucks) has led to people calling him the “World’s Leading Lifestyle Entrepreneur”. Ryan has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, the cover of Millionaire Blueprints Magazine, and is now a columnist for Entrepreneur.

In between shuttling around his 4 young kids – Ryan wrote two books and contributed to a dozen more, including the NY Times Best-Selling Series” The Worst Case Scenario Business Survival Guide.