“Discover How To Create A 6-Figure Income By Offering Highly Profitable Premium Packages That Create Deep Impact For Your Clients and an Awesome Lifestyle Business For You!”
If you’d like to learn how to double or even triple your fees – while providing your clients with your deepest level of transformation – read on to learn more about this powerful training program
From: Bill Baren
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Dear Business Owner,
Have you been wondering what it would be like to create your own high-end package or program?
How extraordinary would your life and business be if you could:
- Work with delightful and motivated clients who value your amazing work (these people show up on time and are willing to do the work!)
- Charge what you are really worth without guilt or hesitation, and to work with ideal clients who seek you out and gladly pay your fees…
- Have the luxury of time and spaciousness in which to deliver your unique services and make a real, transformational difference in your clients’ lives and businesses…
- Uplevel your entire business and your lifestyle by adding high-end packages to your mix…
You know that it would be wonderful to work with a small number of clients, who compensate you well for your work. You could simplify your business while dramatically improving your financial situation.
Package your knowledge into “high-ticket” programs that sell for thousands of dollars
I want to recommend a radically different way for you to run your business.
Which is to create high end packages – I call them “Premium Packages” – that are designed to give your clients deep transformation.
A Premium Package is a high quality package of your services that provides your clients with big results and a deep level of transformation. And when you do that, you are well paid for your experience and knowledge.
My goal is to help you design premium packages that give your clients a complete solution and take them all the way to the place they really want to go.
So, for example, if you’re a love coach, you are working with your client to find their life partner. You’re not just helping them with a Band-Aid solution like creating an online dating profile. You’re working with every important aspect of what your clients need to do to have their desired result, in your area of expertise.
In short, premium packages mean big results for your clients; and because of the tremendous value you’re delivering, it means that you’re well compensated too for this amazing level of work.
Premium Packages will revolutionize your business
When you learn my system for creating and filling premium packages, you’ll be able to:
- Create excitement about what you do so you can easily fill the packages you offer
- Make thousands of dollars every time you sign up a new client
- Feel great about serving your clients in a massive way – all from a place of integrity and generosity
- Establish yourself as a GO-TO EXPERT in your industry, because you offer the best results
- Charge double, triple or quadruple what you were charging before
- Have longer and more profitable client engagements
- Work with a smaller number of clients and still make an outstanding income
- Grow your income a lot faster than by offering low end offerings
- Attract serious clients, who show up on time and do the work it takes to get results
- Generate a steady stream of high-paying clients with predictable income every month
This is your opportunity to create a business that is thriving financially and have your income take off, while having a blast doing what you love. Your only regret will be that you didn’t do this a long time ago!
So why isn’t everyone offering premium packages?
Many heart-centered entrepreneurs I’ve coached love the concept of having their own high-end packages, like the ones I offer. They just haven’t learned the exact “how-tos” of creating premium packages, or VIP Days, or premium group programs.
There’s a sequence of things you must do, starting with increasing the value to the client, and then including the right elements, having the right pricing system, know what payment plans to offer, and so on.
It’s sometimes hard for us to look at all our skills and see how to combine them into a package that’s highly attractive for our clients.
Simply put, the majority of business owners haven’t yet learned how to package their services, and then market them, in a way allows you to double or triple your fees. Until now…
Are You Ready To Learn Exactly How To Attract More Income Than Ever Before, Serve People More Deeply, And Cut Back Your Workload? Does That Sound Like Fun?
“Premium Packages Success System”
A Step-By-Step System For Generating $6,000 to $20,000 A Month By Designing And Offering High-Value Premium Packages
Premium Packages Success System is an online training program and community that shows you how to create and fill your own premium packages so that you can significantly increase your income while making a bigger difference.
You’ll learn the exact same system I’ve used over and over to generate over $5 million in premium packages in the last 3 years of my business. And it’s the same system I’ve taught to thousands of clients.
My intention is that when you follow my step-by-step training, you’ll easily earn back 10 times your investment in this training (all you have to do is enroll 1 or 2 new clients).
This will work for you, too
This program is not just for coaches, holistic practitioners, consultants, healers, workshop leaders – it’s for virtually every business with a service.
I’ve helped create premium packages for just about every service under the sun, from high-school tutors to spiritual teachers to financial planners. I know I can help you too!
I’ve helped people create premium packages in the 4 “mega-niches” listed below. These are the 4 areas of life that matter the most to people – and where they’re willing to invest into creating change.
Business Coach, Consultant, Executive Coach, Financial Planner, Attorney, Web Designer, Copywriter, Corporate Team Expert, Productivity Expert, Career Coach, Book Writing Expert, Marketing Consultant, SEO Consultant, Video Producer, Image Consultant, Speaking Coach, Graphic Designer, Real Estate Consultant, Leadership Coach, Certified Professional Organizer, Communication Trainer & Coach, Entrepreneurial Coach, IT Management Consultant, Sales Trainer, Visual Brand Specialist, and more.
Health & Well-Being
Health Coach, Acupuncturist, Chiropractor, Nutritionist, Fertility Expert, Personal Trainer, Feldenkrais Specialist, Emotional Eating Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Medical Doctor (MD), Golf Coach, Triathlete Coach, Massage Therapist, EFT Coach, Insurance Broker, Speech Pathologist, Sport Psychology Consultant, and more.
Relationships & Love
Relationship Coach, “Find Your Soulmate” Coach, Men’s Coach, Therapist, Tantra Expert, Marriage & Family Therapist, Dating & Relationship Coach, Parent Coach, Sex & Intimacy Coach, and more.
Personal & Spiritual Growth
Life Coach, Spiritual Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Purpose Coach, Therapist, Minister, Access Consciousness Coach, Reiki Healer, Hand Analyst, Feng Shui, Shamanic Energy Healing, and more.
If you don’t see your exact business type on this list, chances are we’ve helped someone in a similar business.
Just follow my 5-step plan and you’ll be creating your own packages
The Premium Packages Success System provides you with a 5-step plan for turning your experience and expertise into compelling premium packages that can bring you thousands of dollars per client.
Just Follow The System
I’ve figured out a system for creating and offering premium packages that are highly successful, both for you and your clients. In fact, it’s the main method I’ve used to grow my business to 7 figures. Now I want to show you exactly what I do to create that kind of success. And how you can do it too.
I want to give you the detailed information you need to create profitable packages. Information you don’t usually figure out by accident.
In fact, I’ve met plenty of entrepreneurs who try to raise their fees by “winging it.” Unfortunately most of them aren’t getting the results they really want.
But once you know the secrets of how to put together and market an effective package – it’s the easiest way to jump your business to the next level.
Module 1: Learn to Adopt “Premium Mindsets” That Allow You To Confidently Stand In Your Value And Ask For The Fees You Deserve
In order to get rock star results with clients, the starting point is for you to make some shifts in your own beliefs.
For many business owners, the biggest obstacle to offering premium packages is their own blocks and limiting beliefs around their value and what their clients are willing to pay.
In this module, I am going to train you on the five most important “Premium Mindsets” for you to adopt that will allow you to radically shift your confidence and your money consciousness, when you’re offering your premium packages to potential clients.
This module alone will revolutionize the fees that you charge your clients, and you’ll never be stuck undercharging and undervaluing your amazing work, again.
In this module, you’ll discover how to:
- Develop the “Premium Mindset” that seven-figure business owners have and you can adopt, too, that will massively shift your results with offering premium packages.
- Make the #1 mindset shift you need to have confidence asking for higher dollar amounts.
- Empower your clients to invest into themselves. The biggest secret to you delivering powerful transformation and results that’s worth 10 times more than what your clients are paying you.
- What specific words to say to your clients to inspire their commitment to saying yes to your packages.
- The most important piece of self-talk you need to shift that’s in the way of you “going premium.”
Module 2: Design Premium Packages that Naturally Attract Highly Committed Clients
My step-by-step templates and done-for-you premium packages that will make it easy for you to create your premium packages
In this module, I’m going to show you everything you need to know to be able to design premium packages anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 and above.
You’re going to love how easy I’m going to make it for you to do this, with step-by-step templates that are easy to fill in!
When you’re done with this module, you’ll have a premium package ready!
And you’re going to have just the right elements, and pricing structure, so that your clients will, immediately, see the value.
When you follow my method, you can get out of being in the dollars-per-hours paradigm, and, instead, you can shift into charging for the high level of value that you offer your clients.
In this module, you’ll receive:
- Step-by-step templates for creating your own premium packages along with a menu of elements that your clients are sure to love
- If you’re new in business, you’ll receive “starter packages” that are easy for your clients to say yes to
- 6 different types of premium packages so you can choose the type of premium package that works best for your business
- Instruction to a series of offers that lead to a monthly stream of thousands of dollars of income
- BONUS: You’ll receive 20 different premium package examples from $1,000 to $10,000 that my clients are actually using right now to sign up clients. So, you’ll get to get behind the scenes and see packages that are working now that you can model
Module 3: Premium Package Marketing: A Step-by-Step System for Attracting High End Clients to You
I will show you the exact five-step system for marketing I developed which allowed me to break into a six-figure annual income as a coach by working with high-end clients.
Using this system, I was able to begin to attract all the clients I wanted.
In fact, there was so much demand for my service that I had to bring in 5 wonderful coaches onto my team just to handle all of the potential business I was attracting, and this system has been super successful for my clients, too.
So many business owners have now used this exact system to make a lot more money and touch many more lives than they thought possible.
During this module, you’ll discover :
- The 3 best marketing methods to start with to attract premium clients
- My favorite method for screening out clients who aren’t a good fit, so you can avoid spending a lot of time in consultations with people who are not a match.
- The 3 most important things you need to change about any existing marketing that you’re doing now to appeal much more strongly to high end clients.
- How to offer your packages in a natural and authentic way that feels good to you and to your audience
- The 2 proven ways to zero in on the biggest result your clients are willing to invest into.
Module 4: Premium Pricing: How to Create the Pricing for Your Premium Program with Confidence
Here’s a secret you may not know about premium packages: how you structure your pricing is a crucial factor in your client’s decision making process
One of the biggest challenges I see for business owners is how to create pricing for their packages.
I’ll show you how to create pricing tiers, payment plans, and deposits that are attractive to your clients, that you can stand behind with confidence, and that allow your clients to invest with you, even if they don’t have all of the money in hand right now.
What you’ll get in this module:
- I will guide you through a special process that will quickly reveal to you the best level of pricing for your packages that matches the real value that your client will receive and that you can stand behind, confidently.
- What are the best price points for each type of premium package.
- The best way to construct payment plans that work for your clients.
- The #1 thing you must include in your payment plans, so that your clients don’t change their minds.
- Learn whether to share your pricing on your website.
- And I’ll provide you with numerous real-life pricing examples from my clients, so you can see exactly what pricing and pricing strategies are working in the marketplace today.
Module 5: How to Design Your Premium Package to Deliver Big Results Without Over Delivering
Now that you’ve signed up premium clients – you need a “system” for delivering a high quality of experience and results
If you’re concerned that offering premium packages is going to mean a ton of work for you, then you’re going to love this module.
I’m going to show you how to design the work you’re delivering, in your packages, so that you’re not over delivering or knocking yourself out every time you’re working with a client.
During this module, you’ll discover:
- What are the first 3 things you need to do right away, after a premium client signs up for your services
- How to turn your work into a “system” that your clients will gladly pay for, and that will deliver them results.
- How to prevent the “I changed my mind” syndrome, so that your new clients stay committed to getting started in their new package
- What to do in your first working session to ensure that your package delivers amazing results
- How to structure the delivery of your packages, from beginning to end
Sales Page: http://www.premiumpackagessuccesssystem.com/specialoffer/
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Hi Michael,
Sorry but thats all we have. I will check this hand out and add this in the download link if I can get it.