
For Honest, Hard Working, People Fed Up With Guru-Bullsh*t Who Are Ready For A No-Nonsense, Laser-Focused, Approach To Online Business…

“The ‘ERA Process’ Finds Your Profitable Business & Niche Idea, Educates You On The Fundamentals Of Business & Marketing, And Guides You Through A Step by Step Action Plan Towards Financial Freedom”

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Dear NicheHacks Tribe Member,

If you’re looking for over-night riches or easy money then I can’t, and won’t, help you. This letter you’re reading now won’t interest you. However…

If you’re honest, hard working, fed up of guru-nonsense and simply want a straight talking approach to creating an online business to be proud of, then I will happily work with you.

You see; my unique ‘ERA Process’ finds your perfect and Profitable Business & Niche Idea, educates you on the Fundamentals of Business & Marketing, and then guides you through a Step by Step Action Plan towards Financial Freedom.

Though before I explain how this works let me tell you a little story about how the ‘ERA Process’ was born through customer feedback and continual improvement over the last 4+ years.

Picture this…

When I first launched the exclusive members area in October 2014, offering nothing more than 6 Profitable Niche Reports for $29.99 per month, I wasn’t sure what response to expect.

The fact is, the response was overwhelming with 100’s of tribe members signing up almost immediately.

And guess what? Feedback showed the majority of tribe members were thrilled with the initial offer. I continued to offer just 6 Profitable Niche Reports every month for $29.99 for almost 3 years.

However, fast forward to December 2017 I decided that profitable niche reports alone are not enough for everyone.

Because let’s be honest; a niche being profitable is one thing and you personally profiting from that niche is another thing entirely.

Here’s the thing…

To profit from a niche you also need marketing and business education, an online business model, and a clear plan with all the step by step instructions to complete the essential online marketing tasks from scratch to profit.

Makes sense, right?

So on that basis, in December 2017 I completely revamped the members area to become “NicheHacks Insider” which delivered all of the necessary education, research, training and step by step plans to follow as well as niche and business ideas.

From members testimonials, some which you’ll see later in this page, the feedback was extremely positive!

Seriously, existing members were ecstatic at the new upgraded “NicheHacks Insiders” and more new members joined than ever before to take advantage of the improved content.

Though I wasn’t ready to stop there…

So in the final months of 2018, even with all the satisfied customers and positive feedback, I decided to take “NicheHacks Insider” to the next level again.

In my mind there was one thing missing…

The missing ingredient was my unique, and personal, step by step system to go from scratch to success with online marketing.

So for the first few months of 2019 I locked myself away for 12 hours per day and 7 days per week.

During that time I documented and detailed all my step by step processes for systematically and logically building an online business from scratch (including the stupidly simple “Million Dollar Idea” process which resulted in NicheHacks being born and the ‘GVTO’ skill which if mastered will ensure you’re never financially struggling again in life).

And as a result the ‘ERA Process’ was born…

Introducing The ‘ERA Process’
Finally A No Nonsense Approach Powered By A Step By Step, “Bite-Size” System

The ‘ERA Process’ is a complete and logical, “bite-size” training system.

It’s built on Education, Research then Action for a proven formula to building an online business through education, research, insights and data instead of guess work and gut feelings.

All without any guru-nonsense, hype, spammy crap or shady bullsh*t.

Everything in the ‘ERA Process’ focuses on foundational marketing and business strategies, education, research and step by step action to build a real problem solving, value giving, business you can be proud of…even if you’ve never built a business before (hey, we all have to start somewhere).

It means you can stop dreaming about financial freedom and start taking action towards financial freedom instead, without becoming stuck or lost due to the Education, Research and Action Plans provided.

Let me tell you more about the no-nonsense ‘ERA Process’ which powers everything…


The ‘ERA Process’ Breaks Down Into The Following 3 Stages…

Stage 1: E is for Education.

The Education Stage…

  • Transforms you into a “relative expert” in your niche as little as 30 days through a simple learning and research process.
  • Instils the “Successful Marketers Mindset” for being a marketing success story deep inside of you (hint: it’s not about chasing “sales” or focusing on “making money” as this approach is why most marketers fail to earn a dime).
  • Unlocks the Forgotten Art of “Direct Response” used by the worlds greatest marketers for 100’s of years and works scarily well on the internet in a world of marketers who only understand tactics, gimmicks, loop holes and fads (this will turn you into the smartest marketer in your niche).
  • Discloses the ‘Fundamentals of Psychology & Human Behaviour’ showing how humans really think and act compared to what they claim to believe and do (this is how you’ll convince your audience to take action and buy).
  • Solves theI’m Not An Expert” Dilemma Once And For All, without faking it or playing pretend guru, thanks to the insights uncovered by the ‘ERA Process’.
  • Reveals ‘Persuasion Secrets From The Worlds Greatest Influencers’ dating back to the worlds first master persuader in 384BC Ancient Greece to current World Leaders & Presidents (being a master persuader is the secret to obtaining everything you ever desired in life).
  • Turns you into the Smartest Marketer In Your Niche through education into the fundamentals of marketing and business that most marketers never take time to learn.

Stage 2: R is for Research

The Research Stage…

  • Elevates you to being one of the smartest marketers in your niche through solid research into your market, target audience, competitors and affiliate offers which next to none of your competition will undertake, even when you’re not an expert or authority.
  • Extracts profitable niches from inside your own brain using the“Niche Brain Surgery” method (seriously you have dozens of profitable niches hidden away inside you already that are perfect for you).
  • Reveals the simple “Laid, Paid & Live Forever” question that instantly reveals if a niche is lucrative so you don’t waste time research niches that will never be profitable.
  • Evaluates profitable niche ideas through the “Quick & Dirty 15 Minute Research Process” so you never waste time on boring niche research you don’t need to do.
  • Digs deep into your audiences psyche to uncover their deepest darkest fears (then motivate them into taking action such as buying from you over your competitors).
  • Unveils your target audiences biggest fears, insecurities, hopes and dreams to use in your marketing and increase your sales.
  • Reverse engineers your competition to uncover more about their website and business than they themselves know and then use it to outperform them.
  • Pinpoints the perfect online business idea and model for you and even discloses 10+ profitable online business models you can choose from so you don’t make the mistake of choosing a broken business model.

Stage 3: A is for Action.

The Action Stage…

  • Provides a logical, and step by step, process to online marketing thanks to the insights revealed in the previous Education & Research phases so you’re never stuck, lost or confused.
  • Delivers a detailed road-map to follow without getting lost in the minefield of online business.
  • Creates marketing and content through the insights and data uncovered in the Research Phase eliminating guess work and the usual hope and pray approach.
  • Eliminates confusion and uncertainty by painting a clear picture for you to work towards and follow without guesswork.
  • Supplies a step by step plan for all essential online marketing tasks from website setup and tech through content to traffic to email list building to sales and beyond so you’re never left with missing pieces of the puzzle.
  • Builds confidence deep inside you thanks to the ‘ERA Process’ which transforms you from a confused marketing newbie to an educated marketer, with deep knowledge of your niche, and a clear plan to follow from scratch to success.

I quietly, without advertising or fanfare, launched the ‘ERA Process’ to existing members in early 2019 and they were thrilled with it.

Seriously, most couldn’t believe how complete it was and found it a breeze to work through thanks to the step by step approach and “bite-size” lessons.

So on that basis I could have sat back and relaxed and taken a break, but no…

I decided to ramp the membership up to the next level again by re-designing the layout and structure of the ‘ERA Process’ content so it was easier to consume and more logical to work through.

Finally; after months of work the new and improved ‘ERA Process’ is complete and live and it’s being offered to new customers, like yourself, for the first time.


The ‘ERA Process’ Delivers Even If Today You’re A Newbie, Confused Or Lacking In Confidence

You see, my goal is to enable as many tribe members as possible to transform their lives through online marketing this year.

No more punching the clock or pleading with your boss to secure a well deserved day off. Just pure unlimited freedom (financial, time, & stress freedom) to design your day in any way you choose.

Even if today you’re a newbie, confused, lost or lacking in confidence as the training inside ‘NicheHacks Insider’ powered by the new ‘ERA Process’ can deliver everything you need to succeed.

Introducing the new and exclusive “NicheHacks Insider” Platform now with the ‘ERA Process’….


Access All This Content Instantly With NicheHacks Insider:

And if you’d like a more detailed look at the content inside here’s a snapshot of just a fraction of the content available…

As if that wasn’t enough there’s also new content added to the members area every single month…

Here’s The New Content You’ll Receive Every Month You Remain A Member

Can You Spare Just 15 Minutes?

Eliminated: Information Overload, Mental Overwhelm And Time Constraints – Thanks To The New “Micro-Learning Model”


Introducing a progressive new….

“Micro-Learning Model” built around 15 minute modules. 

This eliminates information overload, time constraints and mental overwhelm.

What does that actually mean?

Simple, it means due to the “bite-size” training all the modules inside each Training Program can be consumed in 15 minutes or less.

Here’s the thing; micro-learning is proven to increase your learning abilities by 22.2% and your engagement with the content by 50% according to leading researchers at a leading European University (University of Dresden, Germany).

Which simply means: you learn more in less time, actually enjoy learning, and progress faster too.

The 15 minute “bite size” learning process wipes out mental overwhelm and eliminates the usual time constraints associated with learning.

Long boring video’s filled with waffle have been banished in exchange for direct to the point written content and screenshots that you can breeze through in no time at all.

And with just 15 minutes spare you still achieve “quick wins”.

Due to the quick to consume modules inside each Training Program there’s no need to complete a full course to see results.

Just open a Training Program, start at the first module, follow along step by step, and in 15 minutes or less you’ll achieve a quick win and have completed an essential online marketing task pushing you one step closer to your goals.

Before you begin a module you can see at a glance how many minutes (estimated) it should take to complete.

This is useful for when you’re short on time and don’t want to commit to a module you won’t have time to complete.

If you have more time available then start on the next module and breeze through that in 15 minutes, or less, too. If not then simply return and begin again fresh the following day or whenever you have time.


Work At Your Own Pace And Never Be Stuck Again

And the really great thing is this; you can work at your own pace as there’s no time limit or set schedule.

Amazingly, getting stuck is a thing of the past due to the ‘ERA Process’ which is your North Star shining down keeping you on track by always showing you what to do next.

So as you can see, all the foundations needed for your success are inside.

No longer are time constraints, mental overwhelm, or information overload an issue.

Now check that you’re a good fit for NicheHacks Insider

Why NicheHacks Insider Is Unlike Any Other Marketing Training Platform

  • NicheHacks.com has been providing trusted marketing advice online since December 2013 without interruption.
  • The NicheHacks members area, version 1, launched in October 2014 and is a rarity in the online marketing world as it’s been continually updated weekly ever since without skipping an update.
  • 357 members who joined in the first 12 months of the membership area being live (October 2014 to October 2015) are still members today proving the longevity and value of the membership area.
  • People from over 40 different countries who speak 30+ different languages are NicheHacks Insider members proving it works regardless of where you are based in the world or your native language.
  • Over 300+ Profitable Niche Ideas have been researched, evaluated, and revealed inside NicheHacks Insider making it the #1 go-to resource on the net for profitable niche ideas.
  • With over 30 Training Programs containing 145+ learning and action modules NicheHacks Insider is one of the largest online marketing training programs on the net.
  • No other marketing training program teaches you the fundamentals of Online Business, Psychology & Human Behaviour, Persuasion, and Direct Response Marketing (used for 100’s of years by the worlds best marketers and still works scarily well today online in a world of gimmicks, tactics and loopholes) over just online marketing “tactics” which change frequently (though you’ll learn all the latest tactics and trends too if you need them).
  • NicheHack Insider is, as far as I know, the only training platform to focus on “bite-size” 15 minutes, or less, training modules thanks to the “micro-learning” aspect so you don’t get overwhelmed, stuck for time or overloaded with info.
  • NicheHacks Insider is the only marketing training program online that covers the WHAT, the WHY, and the HOW TO through my unique ‘ERA Process’ because of it’s 3-stage, step by step Education, Research, Action system.


Look, I want to be transparent and honest with you so let me say this….

Warning: NicheHacks Insider Isn’t Perfect…

  • The design is simple and lacks any fancy features.
  • There is no “gamification”.
  • There is no video content inside.

So here’s the thing, if you prefer style and fancy designs over substance then NicheHacks Insider is not for you.

NicheHacks Insider is purposely built to be simple to avoid distraction. The design is functional over beautiful to stop you getting distracted or tempted to click away.

Seriously, there is no fancy design, no gamification, and no bells and whistles just high quality, step by step, actionable content.

Anyway from my experience, most training programs that go heavy on gamifaction (i.e. progress bars, badges to unlock, certificates etc) do so because they lack in substance are designed to trick you into thinking you’re progressing.

Honestly, they give you virtual pats on the back and gold stars for a little endorphin boost to make you feel good when really you’ve learned or achieved very little of substance.

Are you here to take action and progress closer to your dreams or just feel warm and fuzzy inside?

And also worth mentioning…

The content inside NicheHacks Insider is all in, step by step, WRITTEN content WITH SCREENSHOTS (literally point and click instructions with clear screenshots showing you where to click and what to do).

There are no videos inside NicheHacks Insider, just as there are none on the NicheHacks blog or on this sales page, so if you need video content to learn then unfortunately it’s not for you.

Here’s a look at how simple and functional the members area is, this is the home page…

And this is an example of how the Training Products are listed…

This should give you an idea of the simplicity of the members area and design.

I’m not here to win design awards just deliver you incredible content and training.

Now check that you’re a suitable applicant for NicheHacks Insider as not everyone is allowed to join…


Stop! NicheHacks Insider Is Not For Everyone…

To become a member of the exclusive NicheHacks Insider tribe you:

  • Must be capable, and willing, to follow step by step instructions as they are laid out in the training (and remember each of the training modules is built around “micro-learning” fundamentals making them “bite size” and can be consumed in 15 minutes or less).
  • Posses at least basic internet and computer skills to avoid being easily confused by logging in, accessing the members area content and following essential online marketing tasks (all the tasks inside NicheHacks Insider are literally step-by-step with clear instructions and screenshots detailing what to do, where to point, and what to click).
  • Be able to purchase the essential online business and marketing tools such as website hosting, a domain, an autoresponder and an email collection tool (I show how they can be invested in for as little as $170 for the next 12 months).
  • Understand that NicheHacks Insider is NOT a get-rich-quick scheme and that it requires an investment of time, effort and energy (though I have made it as simple as possible thanks to the step by step ‘ERA Process’ and the 15 minute modules inside) on your part.
  • Promise that you don’t believe in nonsense such as “Guru Secrets” or “Luck” or “hidden information” or “secret niches” which you use as an excuse for you not succeeding and instead understand business and marketing is simply an Education, Research and Action process (the ‘ERA Process’) which you’ll learn inside.
  • Have the ability to focus on the training in the order it’s presented instead of jumping around in an illogical order that makes no sense or continually buying new products from other marketers instead of focusing on NicheHacks Insider (the 15 minute “bite size” lessons built around micro-learning helps with this)
  • Not be a shiny object chaser, a blame gamer or an excuse maker as NicheHacks Insider is for optimistic people who take responsibility for their own future and are willing to fight to achieve their dreams instead of blaming others constantly.

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