BJ Fuller – Barter Secrets

In Barter Secrets (How to Survive Economic Hard Times), B. J. Fuller shows readers how to negotiate and trade like a pro. In ten chapters with titles such as “Images of a Baron,” “Getting Into the Flow,” “My First Trade” and “Prospecting for Profit,” the author teaches readers to think out side of the box when it comes to making money and ascending what he calls the “pyramid to prosperity” by using one of the oldest tools of the money-making trade.

Bitcoin Monster Course – Lynda

Understand the basics of bitcoin, the popular virtual currency, and then learn the nuances of bitcoin transactions and security issues that can be difficult to navigate on your own. Tom Geller addresses both the big and small issues swirling around bitcoin right now, and prepares you to use or accept bitcoin as a currency for your transactions.

Big Damn Hot Seat Workshop – John Carlton – Value $697

This is the hot seat workshop seminar that John did in in Reno Nevada 2007. It a small intimate group of some pretty well known names and some unknowns. The names you know are.

* John Carlton of course
* Dean Jackson – This guy pops up everywhere.
* Harlen Kilstein – Copywriter
* David Deutsch – BoardRoom Copywriter
* Lauri Morgan Ferrero – Red Hot Copy

Beyond Hypnosis by Dr. Lee Pulos, Ph.D (Unabridged Audiobook) – Value $14.95

Dr. Lee Pulos is a leader in the field of mind/ body/ spirit. Let him show you how Visualization, a mental technique that uses the imagination, can lead to success and make your dreams and goals come true. Benefit from his short Hypnosis, Self-Talk and Subliminal programs to achieve results quickly in any area. From the historical evolution of hypnosis to the visions of the future mind, this audiobook is about the possibilities of using ones mind to achieve personal goals.

BĂ©n CĂčmmings – TraĂ­an TurcĂč Live MastĂ©rclass 2018

Traian Turcu’s Amazing Story
Joined Ben Cummings’ Fast Track Coaching and sold his first Amazon business for $500K in less than 9 months.
Started next Amazon business in Apr2017 and hit $127K profit for the month of Aug2017. That’s right, $127K in profits (not revenue) in 4 months
Aug2018 – Making profits of $273K profit.
Aug2018 – Sold second Amazon business for $7.5mil.