Strategyzer – Mastering Value Propositions – Value $499

Mastering Value Propositions
An online course that will teach you how to better understand customers, and create value propositions that sell
Learn the Value Proposition Canvas methodology, used by millions business practitioners worldwide
Turn fluffy discussions into practical artifacts
Create a shared language around value propositions
Pairs with the Business Model Canvas methodology

Sue B. Zimmerman and Jenn Herman – Insta Academy – Value $1197

In an ideal world, we all want to be able to deliver quality work and consistent results for our clients. For social media managers, agencies, and virtual assistants it can be overwhelming to keep up with the rate at which the social media landscape is changing and involving. Instagram has become a leading social media platform and we want to help you offer this service to your clients without causing you to go insane.

Tai Lopez – The Accelerator Program – Value $3,988

This application will get you a one-on-one call with one of our top consultants who work with some of Tai’s most successful clients. This call will help them better understand what your goals are and what you want to learn. Our top consultants will assess your situation and needs, and figure out which program fits you best. There is no risk involved. You have a 67 day money back guarantee. At the very least, you will receive a free consultation.