Network Empire – Semantic Web training – Value $497

In October and November of 2013, the Them Zoom Semantic web team presented two introductory Semantic Web presentations to a sold out webinar audience. This webinar was in response to the release of Google Hummingbird algorithm. These changes are only the first of a large number of Google algorithms and semantic web integration plans. You can still access these past semantic webinar events as a Network Empire Member right here.

Nick Torson & Max Sylvestre – Quit 9 to 5 Academy

Implement and CASH IN from THE EASY 1-STEP, 5-FIGURE PER DAY ‘Job Killing FUNNELS: You’ll model and generate huge profits from the exact, dead-simple funnels Nick and his students used to become the top affiliates on Clickbank by a long shot, earning up to $980,471 in a single month! You’ll be amazed at just how fast you can set up your own virtual “ATM Machines” whenever you’ve got a bit of spare time.

Nik Koyama – Go Visual – Value $997

Here’s What You’ll Get:
6 Modules with 50+ Video Lessons so you can creating winning videos for your business, your friends and your clients. ($2,997 Value)
Access to the Private Student Group so you can strategize and get help from previous students that have gone visual. ($997 Value)
BONUS: Go Visual Music Library so you can make videos without having to worry if they’ll be ripped offline for copyright issues ($2240 Value)
BONUS: How To Speed Shoot & Edit Pro Quality Pictures & Custom Graphics On Your Phone ($497 Value)
BONUS: Advanced Shooting & Editing Lessons so you can be ready for the moments a camera and computer are wanted ($997 Value)
Weekly Live Trainings by Nik Koyama & Other World Changing Entrepreneurs/Marketers! ($1997 Value)
and so much more! (Seriously, check the bonus section when you get in… I’m not jokin)