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Athlean X- Jeff Cavaliere – Value $67

ATHLEAN-X™ is the only workout program on the market specifically designed to get you looking and moving like a pro athlete…without needing a pro contract to afford this level of attention or generate these kind of results! Created by one of the most sought after celebrity fitness trainers and physical therapists in professional sports; Jeff Cavaliere, ATHLEAN-X™ is comprised of the exact principles, exercises and training techniques forged in championship weight rooms and proven on the fields, courts and octagons of today’s professional sports.

Air Alert – How To Jump Higher & Improve Your Vertical Jump – $21.95

Air Alert is for real! Over 1 million athletes world-wide have benefited from this program and Air Alert continues to help over 500 athletes each day become all-around, better athletes and we guarantee it will help you to do the same. All you need is a serious, dedicated and true desire to succeed and you will jump higher and play better than you could ever imagine. So, keep reading and learn just what Air Alert can do for you and thank you for pursuing your desire to go higher!.

Super Human Dribbling System – $67

FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, I Am Releasing ALL Of My Hidden Ball Handling Secrets!
“I was NOT just naturally given the ability to make defenders miss. I put in years and years of work and made a lot of mistakes along the way.
The “Super Human Dribbling” System is ALL of my hard work in ONE Simple to easy use system. This is the foundation of what you will need to get what I call “Super Human” ability on the court.